Black Powder Shoot


New member
If you live in NE Mass or southern NH or ME I heard that there may be a black powder shoot at the Georgetown Fish and Game Assoc in April. I will post details when I receive them.
Went to the shoot yesterday. It was informal. Had a chance to fire the weapons. Previously only fired one about 20 years ago. I think I may have caught the bug. My sons enjoyed it as well. Thinking about the extra time in the woods for deer hunting. Liked the 50cal carbine by traditions, the deerhunter I think it was called, it used a percussion cap. Any thoughts on this rifle or others for a new black powder shooter. We were using pyrodex powder and balls that were cast by one of the shooters. Very accurate at short yds with 50 grains of powder.

You ought to check out the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association

They put out a magazine called MUZZLE BLASTS that is very informative on American frontier history, muzzle-loading, and Second Amendment issues. They also list information on the various Buckskinner Rendevous. I hope you will join.

On muzzle-loading, I recommend starting off with a percussion gun and then move up to a flintlock when you have become proficient. The flintlock rifles are harder to master, but mastery will come with practice.

I started out with a Traditions Pioneer rifle (percussion) and it shot very well, better than the CVA Hawkins I got later. The Lyman Great Plains rifle (.50 cal flintlock) shoots better than I can.

I recommend that you get a roundball mold to cast your own ball so as to save money. When you get around to buying a flintlock, learn how to knap flint.