black powder sales in central texas?


New member
Im tired of pyrodex and want BP. I live between waco and austin tx. Any body know who still has fffg within an hours drive lets say?
Order in bulk online. The cost of shipping and hazmat would probably be about the same as you driving 2 hours to find BP.
I tried to get some from Mcbrides once- they keep the legally allowed amount on hand- sometimes. My guy got there for his usuall visit (from waco) but theman with the key to the black powder safe wasnt there so, not soap.
Best is to order it from Powder inc, Clarksville Rod and gun or Grafs-if they still sell it. Some have minimum orders of 25 pounds but grafs and perhpas others would sell as little as four. Hazmat usually adds the cost of a can of powder to the bill.

Few stores have powder magazines and will get in four or five pounds at a time if they are willing to do that much. Generally, there will be a hoarder waiting at the door to buy it all up.
in college station

Burdette and Son on Texas ave, just south of University ave across from the big school has some. I picked up three pounds of ffg and one of fffg about this time last year.
I know it's a distance but I buy all my black powder from Maine Powder House.
They will ship right to your door after you download a purchase aggreement, scan it or mail it to them so they have a record of you on their file and will sell you any amount of any powder they carry right to your door, no signature required. Got some ffg and fffg powder last week. Two pounds of each. Give it a try. Great guys and they have soooo much in stock!!!!

If you order a case from Powder inc, they seem to have some of the best prices. Any of it you don't want, just haul to any of the shoots and you will have no problem selling it to the other shooters.