Black powder cartridges


I just purchased a Cimarron Model P, and decided to try some black powder .45 Colt cartridges (Black Dawge 235 grain RNFP). Wow, what a difference compared to Sportsman's Guide's cheapest smokeless cowboy loads, it really kicks! My question concerns cleaning. How often must I take the action apart for cleaning? On my cap and ball replicas, I completely disassemble the guns every time, and they really need it. How about cartridge revolvers shooting black powder? Do I really have to take it down to removing the hand and the trigger spring every time? I fear I know what the answer to this question is going to be.
Second question ... I have an original Colt Bisley in .32-20 made in 1905. It is in great shape. Is is safe to shoot modern smokeless .32-20 in this gun?

I only take my revolvers completely down to clean out the action about once year, and this includes Percussions. I use only Ballistol as a lubricant, and it neutralizes the salts and acids of BP fouling. I do shoot a little into the hand slot and down into the action in front of the cocked hammer at cleaning. There is never any rust, and any fouling I find inside the gun is soft and easily removed.

As far as the Colt goes, are you SURE it was made in 1905? According to records, Colt changed to alloy steels in 1901, but continued to use pre-alloy steel parts until they were gone, showing guns completely made of the new steels in 1904. It should be safe to shoot moderate loads in your 1905 made Colt. I would definately keep these loads on the downside.
You should clean the gun after using black powder ammo...

I got 2 ROA's with conversion cylinders-; And I shoot the Same Goex bp ammo. You definitely need to clean it after firing, maybe not as much as pure black powder, but the residue is really gummy, like cigarette tar.... The residue is still all over the gun, wether you see it or not, and will attract moisture to the surface of your gun. Definitely clean it more than you would if you shoot smokeless. And yes, you are right, it does pack quite a kick!!! Strong enough to hunt deer, I'd say.
