black powder cannon


New member
i want to get a black powder cannon but dont know if it is legal in the state i live in connecticut need a stright answer.
i looked in the index of the laws on firearms it says something about if it has a similar ignition to flintlock matchlock or percussion or replica it is ok its a little 58 caliber cannon.
8MM - If you find out it is illegal, try getting a propane cannon or a Calcium Carbide Canon. (

If you want to make a lot of noise. We had both types when I was growing up. My grandfather made the first type and bought the second type.

Using calcium carbide, you can make a heck of a noise.

I have a small replica cannon (.36 Cal) that sits on my desk. We fire it occasionally. It is supposed to be a replica of some civil war era fort cannon.

Another thought... Check with Independence/Civil war reenactment folks. If Conn law says you need to be a member of this group to own such a thing, I bet they would love to have a cannon team with them.
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If it's a closed breach muzzle loader it's the same as any other black powder firearm. If you're only shooting for noise without a projectile then it's not considered a live round. Problem is the "great powers that be" generaly don't know the usual. And since 9-11 they have really stepped things up. I never have a problem where I'm at but they're used to me by now. You would be wise to give the local law enforcement a call and talk to someone in the know.....if you can find one. Good luck, it's a lotta fun.
Just don't bring it to Jersey. Cannon's of any type are prohibited, maybe even the air kind for pumpkin chucking but I'd have to double check.