Black Hog Down... $$$ gone too...


Staff In Memoriam
Junior loaded a young curr and my ol' bulldog gyp, Deadly and went hoggin' with a buddy...

Juniors little 7-8 month old curr pup bayed up... Found out what a warrior pig can do as this was only his second pig and the first was no mean joker...

He ended up gettin' gut hooked... Told the EVD that the $1,300 exploratory surgery to look for perforated intestines or bleeding organs was just too steep so $200 to do the suture job that was beyond Junior and my skill level was plenty...

Well my ol' bulldog ain't been on many hunts lately and hasn't squared off on a big bad hog to catch in quite some time...

She ended up with a 4 inch gash up the back of a hind leg that was field stapled just fine... No Vet Bill For Deadly...

This pig is a true warrior hog in black...

Pardon the crappy cell phone pics...

In the one shot of the hog's full side, I want everyone to take note of the white slash scars from neck to ham... These are battle scars from other hogs... In general a territorial dispute will result in scars to the front shoulders mainly... When one is a real scrapper we will see these scars all over as the pig is absolutely fighting the other hog to win and this'n looks to have never curred from a fight in his life...

His shield was longer down his side than is usual as well... In the same side pic, looking close you will see a slight depression in front of his ham... just forward is the edge of the shield that abruptly ends causing the depression... So his shield goes to the far end of his ribs and is still 5-6 inches tall back at the end... You could see the red muscle in some of the wounds on his hams that didn't heal closed...

He was well north of 200# while looking like a 165-185... That shield must be heavy!!! One side cutter and wetter were broke off at the cheeks... Too bad Mississippi and Deadly weren't on that side of his head...



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Too hot this time of year to run vests... The injuries to each would have likely still occurred as both dogs' wounds would have been behind the end of a vest...:mad:

Yepper... from 2 layer ballistic nylon "light" vests for ruff currs up to 4 layer with 2 layers of kevlar or incorporating the pierce resistant "turtle skin"...

Just for reference folks... I ain't pluggin' no one's shop...

The longest one shown in the first link would have protected the pup but as a "curr" dog we don't expect to need that and they run too much to wear such a vest any way...

Better Pics Added

Got Junior to send me a few pics of this hog from his phone... Better quality and angles...
First is, IMHO, a better angle of the battle scars...

On the 4 wheeler he looks better... Junior said momma oughta be a photographer with her ability to make a hog look like a little pig...

And here is the head pic from junior's phone...

BTW... a long mag tube .22lr was emptied at very close range, first shots by the land owner who was stationed on a powerline called to kill the hog when Junior and his buddy realized they left knives, rope, mule tape and most of the dog leads in the truck when they dumped a box full of dogs to the bay and jumped in the Rhino and hauled the mail thru the woods 3 miles and via road 5 miles and back into the woods a good piece to the bay and finally the catch....

Then "Buddy" shoots some more rounds and the hog seems un-phased... Junior demands the rifle and has slaughter house (an ol' school one) experience as well as seein' me kill dozens with my pellet rifle.... Junior drops hammer on an empty chamber... Land owner re-loads and junior puts the hog DRT with one well placed "noodle bowl" shot...

I sure am proud of his calm... and resolve too...

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Wish we had some of those lil porkers up here on the frozen tundra. I'm sure the DNR and the local ag types wouldn't approve, but they sure look tasty!

What type curs?
Buzzard feed... En route from woods to the house, he stopped and offered to a feller wanting a pig... Too big for him so by the time he made the drive to the buddy closest to the woods to do surgery then on to our place the boar went 2.5+ hours with gut intact...

So it was "released" before he went to the EVD with the still wounded dog... I been nearly cussed by buddies for not savin' the head or at least bottom jaw or even cutter... Never really think about a trophy at the time...:o

This'n is one that plays heck with the head of a hog dogger... The sport in you wants to release him somewhere for his genetic traits while the eradicator in you sees his genes as a threat in your fight to reduce feral hog numbers...

We don't catch natural born "barr" hogs after all...:D

That's the problem I have, people moan about piling up dead hogs. They all say they want pigs when I get them. They change their mind once the phone rings. Trapped hogs I have a couple hours to work with, but shot hogs are hard to give away.

With an injured dog I don't blame you for making buzzard food out of it neither.
Wish we had some of those lil porkers up here on the frozen tundra. I'm sure the DNR and the local ag types wouldn't approve, but they sure look tasty!

No you don't, its fun for a coulpe of hunts then they run all the deer and other desirable game out, destroy the habitat and generally make a nuisance of themselves.

That big ole Bo hog is probably as tough and rank as they come. You'd do better to go stomp around in a fresh manure pile in an old pair of boots, boil them and then eat them. Heck I bet it takes a few days to a week before the buzzards decide to even entertain that one for dinner. It'll need enough maggots in it to make it taste good to them.

HD, that's a battle vet for sure. Never a bad day when you get rid of one like that. Had a 400+ one like that a few years ago, brown beast. Sounded like the Devil himself was coming up through the gates of hell when he came through the woods. Shot him in the heart from 70 yards with a 165grn bullet from an '06, he still kicked off in the woods 40 yards knocking over pines as he went.

Sold my membership to last years club a couple of weeks ago. Took the new member around and was showing him the place. 5 minutes into the tour I turned a corner and had 4 come out in a mudhole. Handed the dude my .308 Savage Precision Carbine and said shoot those pigs. He neck shot a sow but couldn't work the unfamiliar rifle while the others were literally stuck in the mud. She weighed probably 250 and was ripe with a new batch of piglets in her. Glad we got that one before hse dropped more vermin.
MagicAnimal, no you don't want them. Destructive beasts. It really depends on what they've been eating as to whether they taste good.
That guy is aristocracy in the ugly world... Very tough sob, too!

My hog eating experience is limited to Texas hogs made into sausage. My uncle only made sausage out of them, and made a lot of Cajun food with it. I always thought it was absolutely the best sausage ever. Are the big gnarly hogs not even able to make decent sausage?

I can't wait until next year, going to visit family in Texas and hopefully get some free range pork out of it...
The better eating hogs are the younger ones or a dry sow. Usually it's easier to pick out a 'meat' hog when shooting over bait.
Update... Both dogs healed up fine and the young dog has been out once since... they didn't stay out long as some of the guys wussed out tired... Jury is still out if it changed his hunting or not...

Sometimes you get the big nasty boar and other times we get the little ones or sows but when you can catch them alive it is a plus... When you can pick from 8 or 10 live ones from a single hunt in the pen... Priceless...:D
