Black guns matter group

Dusty Rivers

New member
On Fox and Friends this morning there was the founder of Black Guns Matter. As I understand it this group is dedicated to having open discussions on the value of responsible educated gun ownership in large cities within the Black communities. Tomi Laren has spoken at their events. It sounds like they have a very positive message of responsible firearm ownership and education for defense. The speaker said that The left anti gun arguments are not wrong, they are lying. On the surface this sounds like a very positive group and message to support the second amendment among intercity people. Comments?
Founder Maj Toure is very well-spoken and he's been visible in media outlets that usually wouldn't cover gun rights. On the publc-relations front, they're doing good work.

In terms of messaging, they're on the right track. As for actual advocacy, I haven't heard much, but they're new. If they can stay on message, it'll be interesting to see what kind of clout they build.
I am also familiar with the group, but haven't heard too much specific. I suppose they are similar to the Pink Pistols group in that they hope to show Gun Rights isn't just a "Old White Guy" issue. In the overall scheme of things I'm not sure how much influence they currently hold, but it does seem like a movement in the right direction.

I wonder if these groups could ever find a way to work with the NRA? Could you imagine a nation push for gun right featuring a very diverse group of participants and not just the false stereotype some chose to use? I think we all know that gun owners are a very diverse group and maybe it is time to unite behind our shared interest.
encourage them

What about setting up a page for this group to participate on The Firing Line Forum? Or some other ideas to get joint communication and participation?
Not just a bumper-sticker ????

Ironic that yesterday I saw a bumper sticker and frankly thought it a play on words but it did bring a smile to my face. Now I see that they are a legitimate group that the left will be going after. Will have to do some homework on them .. ;)

Be Safe !!!
It seems (in Minnesota anyway) that when speaking before the legislature the members of Pink Pistols and the African American Heritage Gun Club are the only ones given any respect by the "Protect Minnesota" anti-gun group. Most everyone else, including a professor from one of our colleges, is dismissed as just another gun nut.

I very much appreciate the support of these organizations.

But I fear this is really getting into left/right politics discussion.
Dusty Rivers said:
What about setting up a page for this group to participate on The Firing Line Forum? Or some other ideas to get joint communication and participation?
They can participate here now, any time and as much as they want.

What I think you are proposing is a separate subforum where they can discuss the politics of gun ownership by blacks. I don't see how that's an appropriate exercise of this site. If we do that, then we should have a separate subforum for the Pink Pistols, and maybe another for shooters in wheelchairs. Where will it end if we start down that road - a discussion area for Japanese midget albino shooters in California?
AB said:
They can participate here now, any time and as much as they want.

What I think you are proposing is a separate subforum where they can discuss the politics of gun ownership by blacks. I don't see how that's an appropriate exercise of this site.

So no separate subforum that would have all the same rights and be equal in every way? Separate but equal?
Full disclosure, I own many guns. None black. Closest would be an M-1 carbine from WW II. My credo that covers all aspects of life, don’t trust anyone with a cause. Certainly listen to them but don't follow blindly. It’s never failed me.