I've decided to humble myself and get an experienced S&W revolver specialist to to the trigger work on my wifes new 3 in model 60. Is there a source for listing such men in my locale of Indianapolis? Everybody says they can do it, but heck, I can do it, but I want a master job. Had one once but can't find him now. (Only 25 years ago) Just need a lighter safe da pull without screwing up reliability, timing and such, and correcting any imperfection that came from the manufacturer. Shoots great as is, but DA pull is too hard to use accurately for me, and she can't pull it at all. How light can we get the da pull keeping reliability?
PS, seperately, shooting this little number with hottest loads I get the same thing as with another "well timed" s&w, and that is getting my left face (right handed) stung on firing. Not with all loads. Is that normal with revolver hot jacketed bullet loads? Todays offender is the Remington 125 JHP, which also felt hotter than other magnum loads like the Win Silvetip, which do not give me this problem. Don't find any metal particles though. (I know, doctor says "dont use that load".)
PS, seperately, shooting this little number with hottest loads I get the same thing as with another "well timed" s&w, and that is getting my left face (right handed) stung on firing. Not with all loads. Is that normal with revolver hot jacketed bullet loads? Todays offender is the Remington 125 JHP, which also felt hotter than other magnum loads like the Win Silvetip, which do not give me this problem. Don't find any metal particles though. (I know, doctor says "dont use that load".)