
Short Stroke

I'd like to kill a bison with my bow this fall to get the meat and robe any suggestions in ND, SD, MT?
P.S> I need no lectures about shooting a tame cow, no sport, etc.
I think it comes down to how much luxury you want on the trip, the type of country you'd like to see and how much you want to spend. Everything else is pretty much a moot point as success rates are generally 100%.
Where you are is going to affect the licence cost.
Non-resident licences, if they apply, are expensive. Montana for example wants $1,250.00 for a licence. $2,256 for a bull, $1,756 for a cow, both non-trophy animals(that's $5,000, but residents only), in SD. And there are rules about the bow as well. All for a One Day hunt. Mind you, it's in Custer State Park. Appears to be there only.
North Dakota doesn't mention Bison on their Game and Fish Department site. Contact these guys for info though.
Figure on about 300ish pounds of meat that you get to transport.
Saw an RCMP buffalo coat in a shop years and years ago. Guy told me it weighed 60 pounds.
Bison meat is extremely lean stuff. Tasty though.
Like buck460XVR says, figure out your budget first.
Buffalo Burgers are pretty good eating.
But an archery 3D match, with a life sized buffalo target, might do as well without the expense and hard work. :)
Edit. I had commented about restrictions but couldn't find the outfitters I was talking about. My guess is that company folded due to rediculous business practices.
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A few ranches within Harding County, South Dakota offer bison hunts for a reasonable price. I shot mine at the Catron Ranch near Camp Crook. I suggest contact the Cattleman's Association for further info about this unusual sport.

I crawled to within approx. 75 yards of the great beast and shot it through the skull with my .308 rifle. The legs folded up and the bison expired instantly.

I think you can buy one for around a thousand smackers off a farm...

I have a friend that raises Bison........he generally gets more than that for a tanned hide/robe. The meat he sells for $10-$15 a pound. He claims he gets calls all the time from folks that want to come out and shoot their own, but he only has about 25 animals and most are spoken for two years in advance.

A Bison hunt, either for truly wild or domesticated game ranch animals is going to be an expensive proposition. If it's the hunt/experience one is after, I would look at something like this......

If one just wants to kill a Bison with a bow, and have a 100% chance of getting a shot and retrieving the animal, I'd look at something like this......
I agree with Buck regarding the "thousand smackers". The value of the hide and meat far exceeds that price.

I would suggest you check out: for a great experience
They will allow you to use bow, cross bow, rifle, or muzzleloader to take the animal. Yes, the guide will drive you around to locate the herd and as long as everyone stays in the truck, and you don't get too close, they aren't spooky. After you have agreed on the animal to take you drive off and then stalk back on foot. You better be pretty stealthy then or they are GONE.

I took a large cow in December. Two of us were treated royally for 3 days/2 nights and I brought home about 350 lbs. of boneless frozen bison meat plus sent the hide and head to the local taxidermist. Excluding taxidermy cost the hunt was about $4000 all inclusive.
The Indian reservations have bison herds. I don't know the individual policies of the tribes, but some will, for a fee, let you take an animal. I don't think wildlife laws always apply to the tribes.
the hunts for U.S. big game animals cost so much out west and up north that i have gone to africa three times over the last few years and am going this july on a hunt. i hunt with friends on privite ranchs and its cheaper to hunt there, with many animals being taken. eastbank.

Thanks for posting "real world prices" Cowboy I was going to look into Bison hunt to rich for my blood. I'll stick to my muley's and white tails..

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