Birchwood-Casey "Sheath" vs Breakfree CLP as a rust protectant(Opinions?)?


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Please give your opinions or experience with Birchwood-Casey "Sheath" versus Breakfree CLP, as a rust protectant? How do these two products compare in terms of actual rust protection effectiveness? Give any other facts, test data, or anything else available, regarding these, to help support your opinions? :confused:

I can only tell about my experience with Sheath, and that is, I have never had a rust problem when it was applied to my guns.
It is also a very good bore solvent.
I always use Hoppe's on the bore, but run a wet patch of Sheath through the bore before storing the gun, and have never had any rust problems.
I have had good success with Sheath as a rust preventive and use it as such but feel that Breakfree and FP-10 are better lubricants.
Rustproofing your firearm

I spent a year under the supervision of a lab scientist of the gov't as an apprentice reloader. He actually did tests of which gun lub/oil performed the best(5 yrs ago). His results were that "Outers" performed the best in his month long extensive test. That was good 'nough for me. I hope this helps, Bill