Birchwood Casey Sheath Rust Preventive


New member
Has anyone used the Birchwood Casey Sheath Rust Preventive? What do you think of it? Thanks. Doc

Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? .... Mae West
i've used it for over20 years with no rust on any of my gets a little humid here in fla.years ago i would use a little too much and guns would get tacky,now i just put a dab on my wipedown rag each time,keep rag in a zip-lok bag.
Oustanding stuff! Use it to wipe down my gun after cleaning. Never any rust.

I too have had good results with Sheath for about 15 years. It is a good rust preventative and an okay light lubricant.

Interestingly, while Sheath is a dedicated rust preventative, Sheath did not do as well in my salt-spray torture tests as multi-purpose cleaner/lube/preservative as Break Free CLP and Eezox. Sheath-treated metal exhibited rust freckling much sooner than both CLP and Eezox.

Still, except for the most extreme conditions, Sheath should serve most of us just fine.