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I have a Rem 700 300 win mag tactical that I use a Harris type bipod on that has the internal and external coil springs . When I fire it with the bipod not in use it vibrates like a tuneing fork thrugh the Kevlar stock so I removed the springs and replaced them with bungee cords but they are not strong enough to keep the legs down if I slide the rifle back to get into fireing posistion . Any ideas on types of bipods for heavy recoil .
I personally use harris, but I have seen a lot of folks who love the atlas bipod. It does, honestly, look like a more refined design and might fit your needs. They are a bit pricey though.

If the springs on the harris worked except the resonance, maybe you could find a rubber tubing that would fit on the springs to dampen the vibration while retaining the function... that would be the cheaper option if it worked
You might get some shrink wrap tubing from Radio Shack and put it on the spring hooks and re-attach them to their mountings. That's probably where the vibration is being transferred. It's cheap, wouldn't inhibit the springs and can easily be replaced when needed.