biodegradable "clays"?


New member
I live in the country and would like to practice on my place, but I don't want a lot of shattered clays lying around. (I graze cattle on this land in the summer.) I've heard of biodegradable "clays" made of pressed fertilizer or something.
Does anyone have experience with these or a source?
White Flyer makes a bio-degradable target. check their web page for details. Bio-degradeable targets are mention on the home page.

Uncle Jack

"If you put the first two where they belong, everything else is rhetoric and theory."
I don't know if you're aware of the fact that the shattered clays are toxic to hogs. Here is what a box of Remington Trap & Skeet Targets says:

"WARNING: Do not throw targets where hogs feed. The pitch necessary in target production is toxic to hogs."

Just a little FYI in case you can't find the bio-degradable clays.
Thanks to you both.
I'll be buying some of those, I feel sure.
I didn't know about the hogs, but I don't keep any at this time anyway, nor have I every shot skeet or trap on my place. There is plenty of lead in the hillside, though!

"...where the wind comes sweeping down the plains..."