Binoculars for hunting in the Northeast.


New member
Never mind the elk hunts, and the pronghorn hunts, and chasing caribou across the tundra. How many of you carry binoculars for hunting in the rural farm country of the Northeast?

I ask because, in another thread, a poster asked me why I'd carry binoculars when hunting. My main reason is that I'd hate to do something stupid with a firearm, while using the sight as a telescope. (The other reason is that waving a rifle around all day would be tiring enough to discourage using the glass at all, late in the day; binoculars'd be a lot less tiring.) However, I'm looking to start my hunting career in the Northeast, not out west. I'd want to set up on partially cleared property, farm or abandoned farm or meadow, whatever. In such a situation, how many of you carry binoculars?
BrianBM said:
My main reason is that I'd hate to do something stupid with a firearm, while using the sight as a telescope.

That is one of the first things we were told not to do in hunter-safety. I'd say you're doing the right thing.
I always have a pair around my neck when hunting. I am using Leupold Wind Rivers in a 8 power, OK at a reasonable price. 10x is to strong for me to hold good and steady without a rest. Nikon's are great too and plenty of other quality brands I am sure would be OK. I have used several brands and types but think the small compacts are best for carry. Unless it is really cold I unbutton my top button and keep them inside my shirt or coat. Handy, protected and not in your face if you bend over, won't fog up against a warm face. Get Waterproof cause your going to get wet sooner or later. You can look at horns etc without raising your rifle. I have had other hunters look at you through their scope, very irritating to say the least.
Glad to get some confirmation.

I carry marine 7x50s at the water's edge, as a surfcaster, to look for bird activity, and for fish that may be active at the surface. These are big (I forget the brand) and I don't know that I'd care to walk far with them. For hunting, as well as for birding (which is what they'll get used for, most of the time,) I'd find something more compact.
i agree, youre doing what 95% of hunters do. i feel naked without my binos. i suggest the crooked horn bino ststem. its very nice to have and keeps them from flopping around. i just ordered the leupold wind river 800 range finder binos. cant wait till they get here. got em for 300$!!! ebay baybee!:D
I carry 10x winchester binocs. They run around $100 and less. I got these because they have really nice clarity for the price. I hunt the northwest and find binoculars are a must. I would have missed a lot of game with out stopping and glassing areas.

I always carry binos that fit the situation I am hunting. And the new carry systems that hold them against your chest make it a lot nicer. Even bow hunting in the Oregon coast I carry them, despite the limited visability.
I depends on the hunting conditions . Many places in the NE you can't even see a deer past 50 yds and of course most are taken within 50 yds .Despite short ranges I use a scope on my rifle to see openings in the thick stuff since any bullet can be deflected. You might want binos to search thick areas especially if your eyes are not the sharpest. A good compact 7x would do well then.
We have to use shotguns here, and ranges are thus limited, by both the gun and the brush. But I carry a "pocket sized" set of binocs anyway, so I see a bit farther, see what's coming down the trail, etc.
for the type of hunting you mentioned in the other threasd, id go with a 8x32 bino. and definetly a crooked horn bino system. you wouldnt believe how much ease that will put into carrying binos.
8x32 sounds reasonable. They'll be birding binoculars first, but that's more demanding then hunting use is likely to be, IMHO, so anything that makes me happy in identifying birds is will be just fine, when sitting in my stand waiting for venison to walk by .... heh heh heh.

Hafta go on Google and see what it costs to lease a few days' time to sit on a farm in western N.Y.
I have used cheap Bushnell binoculars for years and am looking for somethng a bit better, but not to the $1000+ extremes that are possible. Ones that I am really eyeing up are the Nikon Monarch 8x32 in either black or camo. They run in the $300 area generally. Frankly, I would prefer a 7x model, but Nikon does not make a monarch in 7x. You need something that will have good light gathering capabilities as wells as sharp focus for comfortable viewing. Binoculars are a year around investment with many uses in the outdoors.

Years ago in the NE, I just used my scope for verification looks on deer moving through the woods. You know looking for horns. Now, I am leaning to hunting more with a revolver for whitetails than a rifle and carrying a pair of med fine binoculars seems like a very good idea. Less movement, but still able to "scope" around. I also have observed people scoping me with their rifles in deer season and that is a bit un-nerving. I don't want to be accused of doing that.
Never do I mean never no matter where you are uunting go cheap on your glass. Spend the most you can afford no more than 10x and a 50mm tube I hunt all Lepould people also talk up Ziess. And Nikon also has a good set.:D :D :D

I just took a look at B&H online - I've bought a lotta Kodachrome there, over the years, & other stuff - and the price of the Nikon LX that I'd like is waytheheckupthere. Good heavens, it's gotten a lot worse then it was three years ago. Granted, these are high-end birding binoculars, far more quality then a hunter would need, but that's what I thought I'd do. Yeow. Well, I spend more time observing birds then I'd ever do hunting, so I guess that's what I save for first.
If youre going to get a nice set, you might as well get a range finding feature with them. They come in handy on those long shots. either way though, I have to have my binos. Did you check out the bino system I was talking about? They have really helped me with my binos alot. I highly recommend a set with your new binos.
I nearly always find big game animals before they know I'm in the area by using my field glasses. Check out Bushnell H2O 10X50. They're outstanding and can be purchased from Natchez Shooting Supplies for LESS than $75.
Where do you guys hunt that the deer are far enough away that moving binoculars up to your head and back down is not going to be seen by them? Where I am, the woods are way too thick for that - you have to stay still, and just slowly move your head & eyes to scan. If they're close enough to get a shot, a small movement like that will make you stick out like a sore thumb.
size does matter......... when you select your binos hold them for two or three minutes looking at the same sign acrossn the store and see how much shake you have. If you vibrate go down in size and weight.

If you have to have the 50mm heavy logs get a stiff leg to rest them on and you can also use it to shoot from. ;)
7x50 is a classic size for marine use, but mine spend most of their time cased, in a truck. (I assume that's what you're referring to?) Surfcasters like to have glasses handy for spotting fish on the surface, or the things that betray their location (bait sprays, bird activity, etc.) My 7x50s are good for what they do, but I wouldn't want them for either hunting or serious birding. For the latter, I wouldn't want more the 8x42 and 7x42 is almost the universal standard.
Well .... we all need something to save pennies for, and a good pair of birding binoculars is worth having.