Bill to repeal CA AWB!

I wish you all well. The governator has already banned .50's so I don't know if you can get this passed but God willing :).

We here in Oregon have our fight coming up so I will be paying attention and keep on making those phone calls (good thing I have so many free minutes on the cell :) ).
You guys are up the creek without a paddle, I'm afraid :(

My suggestion is to quit your job, sell all your belongings, and move to a FREE state before Komifornia locks its borders and citizens in(for their own safety of course ;) ). Now I sincerely hope for the best with this :cool: . I am sorry to say that most non-Komifornia gun owners consider that state a lost cause :( ...
I wish you luck though!
You guys are going to be fighting a rear-guard battle out there until at least the districts change from the current gerrymandered mess, and/or until you enact a constitutional amendment to recognize the right to keep and bear arms including statewide preemption & strict scrutiny.

The legislature, where this bill is located, are the same batch of gerrymandered perennial incumbents that screwed us in the first place, and all the calls and letters in the world aren't going to sway their deeply-held religious belief in the evil of firearms.

Has the 10-cent-per-round ammo tax bill come up again this session?
Hello to all,
This bill will be heard in committee on March 18,2005. We don't have a lot of time to tell our friends and make a call to our representatives. We have to be heard over the Hollywood gang...There's a lot of us in this state that remember California under Gov.Reagan!
I've created what I feel is an improved flier... it's one page, contains a little more contact info for the Democratic members of the Public Safety Committee, and leaves off the Republicans (we already know that Jay La Suer and Todd Spitzer are going to vote correctly... we can focus our efforts on the others). I also left off any info about other Legislators... it's premature to contact them, I think. I believe we should focus all of our efforts on the Public Saftey Committee like a laser beam... if we clear that hurdle, then let's worry about our local lawmakers!
(just a comment, not a reply):

It's good to see people working like this. If there were only more people like NY Patriot in NY and jnojr in California.

Good job folks, keep up the fight :).