Bill Kurtis (Investigative Reports) gives wrong info on background checks


New member
Well, I had hopes that Bill Kurtis could be an impartial reporter, especially after one of the gun-related programs he did a couple of months ago. However, I just turned off the current Investigative Reports "Firearms Freeway" program because he made me sick.

The program's stated intent is to cover gun smuggling up the east coast of the U.S., via I-95. Not necessarily a bad subject, since it does take place.

What made me turn him off, however, was when Kurtis stated that no background checks are required at gun shows, whether by a private individual selling a weapon or by an FFL dealer.

As soon as the bile settles, I'm going to write A&E ( ) and inform them that the program was just plain wrong. (For all I know, they're wrong on other points as well, but since I'm not watching it any more, I won't know.)

"There's not much comfort in the fact that crime is down 6 percent. So instead of 100 criminals targeting you, now there are only 94. Whoop-dee-doo." -- Paxton Quigley
Here's my general take on the media.

Usually when I know something about a subject being reported on, the news item is filled with inaccuracies. Therefore, when I see news items about subjects I don't know much about, I assume the same.

Pretty simple and reasonable, yes?

Your Curtis item is a great example of why I view the media in this light.

[This message has been edited by JimR (edited April 26, 2000).]
I don't know where Bill Kurtis stands on RKBA, but suspect that he's an anti just by osmosis, if nothing else.

That being said, I don't know how much input these "Investigate Reporters" actually have. Usually it's some young wannabes who go out and do the grunt work and then the editors
"polish" it up.

These star "reporters", like actors and news anchors are nothing more than an empty glass that takes on the coloration of whatever is poured into it.

If you're going to write, the best line of attack would probably be the content rather than the messenger.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
It seems to me that, where guns are concerned, Bill Kurtis's "investigations" are nothing more than common media prejudice, ignorance, and groupthink in a new wrapper. Kurtis himself is as isolated from the real world and as intellectually lazy and socially conformist as most info-tainment stars.

The biggest mistake that any of us can possibly make, is to assume that there are any independent, unbiased, or "impartial" investigative reporters/journalist in the main stream media. The second biggest mistake we can make is to believe that any of these talking heads are going to some how jump ship and tell us the TRUTH.

The main stream media is nothing more than a tactical weapon used to distort, misguide, form biased consensus, provide "official" lines, fabricate, and lie. Those at the controls of this main stream media propaganda are also controlling what our children learn in school, what messages are sent via major motion pictures, and what is written as history.

If isn't bad enough that the heads of all of the major networks are members in the same globalist organizations (CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, etc.), when you learn that celebrity talking heads like Dan Rather, Ted Koppell, Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Tom Brokaw, and many others are also members, you have to think past the idea of their journalistic integrity, and look at something that is certainly beyond mere coincidence.
I turned that garbage off right after the episode with the ex-ganbanger. His crap got me so damn mad, that even ow my blood pressure is way too high.
As far as Bill Kurtis goes, over the long run, I feel he is very anti-gun, Period!
I've seen other Investigative Reports on subjects that I am very familiar with, and they never get it right.
Frankly they ought to kick that holier than thou S.O.B. off the air. Just my .02.
Paul B.