Bill Jeans Advanced Handgun in North Idaho July 9-11


New member
Bill Jeans will be teaching an advanced handgun course near Lewiston, Idaho on July 9-11. Previous training is required. Bill is a former operations manager and chief rangemaster at Gunsite, and is the owner-operator of Morrigan Consulting ( I've trained with Bill at Thunder Ranch, and this will be a great course. It is limited to twelve students. You can contact me for further information: england@lewiston.[nospam]com
Hawkeye, you got anyone near there who teaches the basics anymore? I know a couple of people in that neck of the woods who can't get CCW because they don't have the basics course.
Basic training

You bet. We just had Jim Crews over this weekend for a basic course. Jim is based in Missoula, MT, which is just over the hill for most of us north Idaho folks. Jim's website is:

I had talked with Louie Awerbuck about doing a basic pistol refresher while he was out here for shotgun. The sad fact of the matter is, VERY few people purchasing firearms will consider spending money on training. Of those who say they would be interested, very few follow through and get good training.

On the other hand, those of us who have enjoyed good training become very eager to get MORE good training.

I'm still amazed by the number of folks I have met who blanch at the thought of spending $450 for quality training, who will then spend $600 on a handgun that they hope will somehow correct their shooting problems. The handgun sits in the safe. The training gets carried around in your brain.
well, I would love to take his course, but with the local economy and the price of everything, $450.00 is a lot of cash. ($900.00 is even more cash). I've been looking for someone to run regular course for basic firearms training and CCW around here for years. no one on the NRA list is still around.
Basic training

I don't know if you get over to Seattle much. If you do, I think the best basic CCW course I've encountered is Greg Hamilton's Insights course General Defensive Handgun. It's a two day, $250 course. About half the time is spent shooting, the other half reviews the legalities of deadly force, risks and benefits of CCW, and force escalation/options.

Greg and his partners have developed a remarkably well-integrated, consistent, thoughtful program. They are using the Issaquah police range which is a VERY nice facility. I've taken the course with one daughter, my wife and second daughter will take it this summer or fall, and my son will later on. (He LOVES to shoot, so no persuasion is required). I recommend this course to any friends or coworkers considering CCW.

Check it out:
good tips, but still doesn't resolve the problems for locals (It only cost me $45.00 for my basic CCW course before the gent headed off to Arizona), and being a univercity town we have non citizen students who can't touch a firearm in Washington State so courses over there are out of the question.

might just have to scrape the bucks together and send the wife over to Seattle to get certified.
Handgun course

I don't know where you in N. Idaho (guessing Moscow, from your post), but up my way (Sandpoint) there are people folks teaching whatever the basic CCW course is on a pretty regular basis. Do you get the Nickelsworth where you are? They used to have a small ad in the hunting/guns section - the last one I saw was being held in Clark Fork. I believe the cost was $35 and it had some association with the NRA. A friend was supposed to get ramped up to teach that couse here, don't know if he did - he left for his month plus vacation in the midwest a couple of weeks ago.
ok, thats good info to know Rick, thanks, I will check the nicklesworth and see if it's still there, still a damn long way to go though, but better than nothing.

I've run into a number of people who just find it really difficult to take 2 or 3 days to do a course, or have to drive the 70 miles to lewistion and back after work ever night for those 3 or 4 days as well. you would think we would have someone localy able to do this.

heck, maybe I should talk to the Sherriff about it and maybe they can arrange something. (for the record, Democratic Sherrif who signs off on Title 3)
Handgun course

Up this way (Bonner County) there is no requirement to take a course before getting your CCW. Fill the form out, pay your money and if you don't have a colored past you'll get the permit. I'm pretty sure Boundary County is the same way, I've got friends up there with CCW's and they've never complained about taking a course. If you know a couple of people who want to take the course, you might be better off getting the instructor to come to you.
interesting, I do know it's Sherrif's discretion as to what they accept (generaly a firearm safety/CCW Course or Military Experience)

have to remember that.