Bill didn't inhale?

Red Bull

New member
When Clinton was first elected, I was barely old enough to vote. Hindsight having 20/20 vision, it took me this long to realize something. (and NO...I did NOT vote for him).

He said that he "smoked pot but did not inhale". At the time, I realized that was a reall fence-sitter position that appeased everyone, and that really showed what a slime he was.
But, it took me this long to realize something deeper, and that is that:
How come no one wondered about "why we would want someone in our Presidential office that is such a spineless wuss, who pretended he smoked pot in front of his friends so that they thought he was cool". I mean, talk about no character. Provided the story is true, what the "man" is saying is that he was sitting in a room of his peers in college...peers that he chose to associate with, as an adult...and they were all smoking pot, and when it came to his turn, he was such a spineless wimp that he PRETENDED to take a hit of the weed, but he did not inhale. This is the kind of man we want in office, the kind with absolutely no character that caves to a little peer pressure as an adult college student?

Look back now at this "man's" history in the office, and think about how foretelling that revelation was at the time! He has held true to that character - or lack thereof. "We" voted in a "man" with no backbone, and he has held that course through his term - lying, cheating, selling out our country, swaying to public opinion, and changing his story to fit whatever he had to say to stay afloat. He never had any character, and he never has.
Hindsight really is seen with 20/20 vision. Or, maybe I am just getting older and wiser. Who voted for this guy anyway???

Well, first of all, we know he did inhale and also his buddies at the pot party knew.

I didn't vote for him and whether he had inhaled or not had no bearing in that fact. I may get some flames for this, but I consider that act done some 20 yrs ago by a kid, inconsequential 20-30 yrs later. Had the person been a dealer is another thing.
What is relevant is that he was such a weenie when asked about it...yes or no was the only answer required.

Like you say 20-20 hindsight...but it interesting that "I didn't inhale" is the same answer as "I didn't have sex, she did" and "that depends on what is is"

What really amazes me is that no one, but no one when asked believes a word he says, yet he remains President with all privileges. I mean one would believe him if, when asked at noon,he said it was 12 pm and yet this guy keeps the most revered (used to be) job in the country and screws with us more and more. If he just disappeared right now, it will still be a generation before the presidency is remotely considered as highly as it once was.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Everybody has a past and I dont care if he inhaled or not. I am more concerned with all of the crap he has slung our way and I am really worried about what is to come. What worries me the most about our government is that apparently no one in congress is willing to take him on.

This will not end well.

Better days to be,

My flamethrower isn't lit, DC ;) If ever I get into the public eye (something I really don't want), for whatever reason, there are definitely some things I did in the not-so-distant-past I'd have to fess up about.

But getting back to Tovarisch Klinton. It's a symptom of the Clintonian mindset. Bill is slick. He knows how to turn on the charm, and say just the right thing to the right people, regardless of what his real intentions are. It's an effective tool in what Emmett Tyrell calls "Masked Politics." He presents an issue in a certain light, but the truth of the matter is often quite different.

Example: The Children's Defense Act (I think that's what it was called). It was presented as a means to protect children from abusive parents, caregivers, teachers, etc. But what it really did was take away a lot of rights parents have to raise their children and put it in the hands of the State.

Now, you see the same thing happening with this new gungrabbing legislation he's trying to pass. He says one thing, means another.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
For the record, to be honest, I could care less if he did inhale. And I don't care if Bush snorted coke, which remains to be seen. Apparently, not many other people do either, because the media cannot seem to get people riled up about it.

I would have been much more impressed if Clinton had admitted like a man that he did smoke pot, and then give some pointers to kids about why doing drugs is lame and why he did not continue.
I am more Libertarian about my beliefs on drugs and I just don't care what people want to do to themselves with chemicals. As a reasonably well informed person on the issue, I see doing drugs the same as drinking alcohol and cannot see why one is socially promoted while the other is socially demonized. Truthfully many drugs are much better for you than alcohol is (don't believe the propoganda that drugs are so horrible for you...many are, many aren't, but we have been programmed that all drugs=evil).
I would support legalization of drugs along with education, just like alcohol. I don't do drugs now, and I would not do them if they were legal, but I don't care if someone else does and I know people that use them recreationally with no problems. One of my best girlfriends has shot heroine, and done every other drug but crack. Guess what, she is not addicted to any of them and says she has never had the urge to do any again. One of my other best friends used to smoke crack for years, and stopped years ago. Neither of them have had any problems fighting an addiction. I do not believe that drugs are any more addictive than alcohol or cigerettes, yet one is evil and the other is social. I think a lot of anti-drug hype is just propaganda and that the same incidence of drug abuse is just as high as alcohol abuse, but one is legal and the other is a felony; one is a socially accepted practice that occasionally goes awry, and the other is a socially UNacceptable practice that also occasionally goes awry. I try to put the hype behind me and look at things for what they are, and I do not believe that drugs are evil, nor that people that do drugs are evil, even if I won't do them myself.

Actually, it is well known that cigarettes are far more addictive than heroine or any other drug (many people stay addicted to mind-altering drugs because they have social and psychological problems, not because of a physical addiction). Cigarettes are physically addictive, moreso than most anything else.

A psychology book I read said that there is only one thing that is more addictive than cigarettes: masturbation, specifically while watching pornography. This is due to the fact that this activity shoots massive amounts of adrenaline into our system, which is more addictive than any other substance, and is a large part of the addiction to other substances. Now there is something that our president has a problem with!
In short, I don't care that Clinton smoked pot. I care that he was a weenie and either lied about it, or was so spineless that, even as an adult, he only did it because of peer pressure.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited December 11, 1999).]
Red Bull, AMEN! You said a lot of what I was thinking.
As far as legalization of drugs: Those that do 'em now will continue, and those that don't, won't. It is a huge waste of money.

I too have some friends that used to be heavy into the hard stuff; powders, hallucinogenics, etc. But, that was the past. They are clean now, and have been for years. I understand though that they still desire to keep their past a secret from most. There are many many people that judge and stigmatize based on someone's history.

Of course, if someone did crack for a while, then quit for a year, started again, quit again, started again..... I would be wary of their future even if they were clean at the moment.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, so I'll finish by agreeing that they way someone explains or deals with their past, and how they conduct themselves currently is much more important than who they used to be.

Just look at me, I used to be an anti!
I ain't proud of it, but I'm glad I can talk about my anti-gun tendencies in the past tense.
Well, the jury's still out regarding whether Bill inhaled, ... but we do have it confirmed that Monica definitely inhaled ... ;)
Yes, she did, Jeff. But Bill didn't insert...he was engulfed. A poor, misunderstood victim, you see.

Byron Quick