Bill Bradley

James K

Member In Memoriam
For Info: The two declared Democratic presidential candidates appear to be trying to outdo each other in promises to "stand up" to the NRA. All in the name of "the people" (including gun owners) who support gun bans overwhelmingly, they claim.

Bill Bradley has an article in the Washington Post this morning saying what he would do if elected President. The following is directly quoted.

"Ban distribution, sale and manufacture of Saturday night special handguns; require registration for every one of the 65 million handguns in the country; require licenseing with a safety course for every person who owns a handgun; prohibit gun dealers from selling guns in residential areas; insist on mandatory trigger locks for guns"

This would, according to Mr. Bradley, "keep the handguns that kill people off the streets, [let us] know where the guns are and who is using them, and get the gun dealers out of neighborhoods where children can more easily get access to guns."

He also would require "background checks before all sales at gun shows and a limitation of handgun purchases to one gun a month."

If anyone thought Bill Bradley a more moderate alternate to Al Gore, this should serve as an answer.

I sure hope Im wrong here, but for the democrats to be pushing this as strong as they are, I see it as an issue they need to galvanize their vote and split the republican vote.......what worries me is why would a supposed republican like liddy dole being pushing the same think its just because its a woman, or shes really more liberal than conservative, or do you think that might be looking at the same pollesters opinions, maybe our elected officials all are.......fubsy.
If any other issue but guns were involved the media would be exiling Mr. Bradley to the lunatic fringe, where, as a matter of fact, he belongs.
Well, I know that I won't punch "D" on my ballot next year. I only hope that the Republicans nominate someone pro-gun. I may go ahead and vote Libertarian-again.

If what you know, isn't what you do, then your training is incomplete.

Being female has only a little to do with Dole's position, other than she doesn't want to alienate the soccer mom's. All these damn Republicans are doing it. This is abortion all over again. Guns are a make or break position.
Look folks, its not just here, all over the world there is a movement to get rid of guns and extreme pressure on the US to follow suit. In a different way of looking at it... think of tobacco and the process of demonizing it and how smokers are now considered pariahs. This was a 30 yr process of indocrination and emotional manipulation...the exact same process has occurred with guns. The break point with tobacco was "2nd hand smoke"...with guns, it has been the kid school killings.... its like the US is the last tobacco smoker.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
EXACTLY, DC. The politicians attack gunowners and the gun industry. The media then begins the process of demonization of the entire group and causes them to be social outcasts in the end. This is followed by attacks by fellow citizens.It worked quite well in 1930's Germany.
It's also going to result in a form of Balkanization here.
FWIW, I figure anti-gun politics--Bradley's or whoever's--are nothing but a means to power.

First the anti-gunners set us, the American People, up by making us afraid of guns. After they've scared us silly, they smoothly promote themselves as our saviors, promising to do something about the guns we're now afraid of. So, we vote the anti-gunners into office, giving them the power they need to save us by enacting gun control. Then our saviors keep enacting new gun control laws to refresh our fear and dependency.

In the end, the anti-gunners get all they ever wanted: power. In return, we the People have become weaker, but--hey!--we've been "saved" from something that was never a threat in the first place.

Oops!--I think we got short-changed somewhere!

Just my $0.02.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 12, 1999).]
Bill Bradley. Hmm. Bill Bradley. Now don't tell me... I'll get it.

Aha! I remember now! There was a book written about him and about WWII!
"The Man Who Never Was"
You cannot have one world government unless the people everywhere are disarmed. That is why MOST COUNTRIES ARE NOW DISARMED! Bradley is just another one world dupe. Like Mfume of the NAACP,bradley is another fool who doesnt understand what the NWO has in store for him also. After the people who have firearms are eliminated, the NWO will go after the sheeple like Bradley. I know all these things must happen but I am amazed at the ignorance of the sheeple when they see what the government is doing to our gun rights. But the Bible points out that for lack of knowledge the people are destroyed.
I agree with you, and im glad you tied in the anti gun bias around the world as I believe your right and it would appear to be a part of the larger problem for us......fubsy.