BIG S&W Sale!

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Dave's Guns here in Denver is having a 2 day S&W sale. And while I have said I WOULD NEVER support S&W, Dave is selling them at 25% above MANUFACTURERS COST. I priced a 625 SS 4" Mountain gun at $525. That's almost $100 below Daves "normal" price and almost $175 below suggested retail. All the other S&W were similarly priced. I may have to break down and support my local gun dealer.

Here is his website:

After I came back (after writing the above on, I then posted this:

Too late. I already got the last three 625's they had. Two are mountain guns, the third is a 5" full underlug. I also picked up a really sweet Lady Smith in .357. He still has lots of other S&W there. I paid $525 for the Mountain guns, $502 for the 5" and $400 for the Lady Smith, plus tax, of course (3.7%). I traded two HK tacticals and one fullsize and I got a check back for almost $400. So I didn't do too bad a deal. Full retail on those four pistols was $2600, plus the $$ back. So, I am real pleased. And I had a nice conversation with the two S&W reps that were there. They ARE
being bought by an American firm, they just can't (actually wouldn't) say who. So, belly up to the bar boys, cause S&W is back. And they said they are going to make HUGE strides to regain their customer base. Bully for them!!
I do not think I will be "bellying up to the bar" until I actually see that they have been sold and the new owners resend the agreement.
As far as I'm concerned the boycott is still on until then and just because someone runs a sale and a couple of Smith employees are blowing smoke does not change that.:rolleyes:

Oh and by the way, there are several NIB 625 Mountain guns in Gun List for less than five and a quarter.

However, I do have some real estate that I would like to talk to you about buying.
None of my money is going to the rat bastards nor would I spend a dime in a gun shop that carried them. I can buy ammo at Wal-Mart and cleaning supplies at a gun show. When someone actually buys the company, the first item on the agenda at the press conference better be 'We have begun working with the Bush administration and HUD to nullify the agreement that the former owners made with HUD.'
Twenty dollars over dealer one place near me and they not sellin much.

I'm with G'slinger, when deal dropped, then I will dicker for new one.

When you boycott the makers who build-in gun locks I'll agree with your boycott..............maybe! Anybody going to Canada to hunt or fish?
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Doug 29. I have this one going on over in the General Discussion forum, so if the moderators want to shut this one or the other one or both down, I UNDERSTAND, I just felt it belonged in both places.

Here is my basic reply to all those who wish to flame me.

Yo folks, I know, I know, I'm a prostitute for a good deal. I would be the first to admit it. I sold out.

And don't worry about Dave's inventory. Those S&W's were RUNNING out of the store. When I got there at 9:20 this morning(he's right next door to my vets office), he had seven 625's. When I was able to come back at 11:00 am, having just gone home, got my trades and came back, he was down to three 625's. I snagged them. So don't worry about that.

And I'll tell you all one thing about the S&W boycott. I SOLD EVERY S&W item I owned. Guns, knives, handcuffs, belt buckles, the whole nine yards. Made a few bucks, lost a few bucks. BUT, I was solidly behind it. Right up to the point that I CAN MAKE MONEY OFF SOMEONE ELSE'S MISTAKE. Which belive me, I JUST DID.

Pin shooters LOVE the 625. I know three right now who would give me double what I paid. So, yeah, I sold out. In this day and age of PC, when it is becoming harder and harder to make a buck in the gun business (and as a gunsmith, make no mistake, I AM IN THE BUSINESS), I have to make EVERY DIME I can. So flame away. It won't be the first time and I am confident that it won't be the last.

How long can S&W SELL $10 bills for $7.50? Hell, I don't know, but I'm gonna buy as many of those $10 bills for $7.50 and laugh all the way to the bank. And make no mistake, S&W is eating it in the shorts to make sales like this happen, not the dealer. So, depending on how you look at it, I AM STILL trying to make them pay, and pay and pay.

Believe me when I tell you that by Saturday evening when Dave closes his doors, his S&W inventory WILL BE GONE. Maybe sooner. So, hate me if you must, but think back folks, to the last time you swallowed your pride to take advantage of someone you didn't like. That's exactly what I have done. Swallowed my pride to take advantage of this sale REALLY HURT, but I will get over it. One of these days. Say, like when I sell all those S&W's for a nice fat profit.

I guess what you need to ask yourself is this, "Can I make money at S&W's expense?" In this case, my answer was definately 'YOU BETCHA'!

And to everybody who is avoiding a dealer who is still selling S&W, just WHO ARE YOU HURTING? S&W - NOPE, cause they are still in business, now aren't they? Are they hurting. Absolutely. But whether your (OR I) like it or not, they will stay in business. And eventually they will BE BOUGHT by an American company. Hopefully NOT RUGER.

And speaking of Ruger, I still boycott them. DO YOU? Cause as far as I'm concerned BILL RUGER SR. is a BIGGER TRAITOR to the gun industry than S&W ever was. BILL RUGER sold us down the river and STILL SELLS US HIS GUNS. So, flame on folks, I'm wearing my asbestos longjohns over this one.

And I HAVE to add one more thing. IF YOU TRUELY BOYCOTTED every single company that is trying to get our RKBA repealed, you won't be able to buy gas, you won't have a phone, you won't have a running computer (Microsoft/Bill Gates), you won't buy MOST FAST FOOD, you will have to be very selective in where you buy groceries, the list goes on and on and on. That's the main reason I have given up. I will be going back to school for computers again. Will I still support our RKBA fight in every way I can? Sure. I'll be at the steps of Colorado capitol NEXT WEEKEND facing the MMMers. Nicely of course. But I am no longer going to base my fame and fortune ON THE GUN INDUSTRY. Cause if you have followed my posting over the past few weeks, WE HAVE LOST THIS FIGHT. Look here :

I don't make the rules to this fight, I have tried for nigh on thirty years fighting this, but I'm bone tired and am no longer going to tie my fate and fortune to the gun industry. Especially when I can make more $$ in computers and then can turn around and support my fight of the RKBA better than if I stay a very poor gunsmith.

so....I guess it's nice to know you have thrown in the towel, Wallew?

Sort of, if you can't lic 'em, join 'em?

My dealer trys to meet any price offer, & I know he routinely sells for 10% over. A price of 20% over, while a decent deal, is not all that hard to come by with some diligent shopping.

I mean, if you want to get out of gunsmithing because it doesn't pay well, no one here would blame you - but to cry the poor boy blues as an excuse to go out & support S&W, or your dealer for carrying them, won't wash here.

Oh..& trust me - we are not worried about Dave's inventory.

In fact, I would imagine that your dealer paid for the guns before he took delivery, and from a distributor, not S&W. So, S&W had their money. All you have done, in all probability, is help your dealer move his post agreement S&W inventory. I betcha he goes back for more.

The difference between you, and those of us who won't buy a Smith today? I think most of us - definetly me - will be in line to buy a S&W pistol when & if the agreement is abolished. We'll support them with our $$. (I did just that after S&W signed, by buying a Taurus I didn't need) You, on the other hand, will only be looking to make a buck.

It's selfish - but I've said all along, that anyone buying a post agreement Smith is just that.
Dave's StillIn Business?-

Too weird when I was there, lotsa cops and lotsa weed burning,didn't care for the combo. Roy
Wallew criticizes and boycotts Ruger, but buys new Slick & Willy stuff? A bit of a hypocite, don't you think? SamC
I see the usual flaming, name-calling, and division is alive and well. Who needs HCI when we can self-destruct over the S&W issue?

I'd better get back to my life.

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