Big Government Statists


New member
It is manifestly clear that many of the same people who decry Obama as a 'Big Government Liberal' are just as much in favor of Big Government and an all powerful state as he is. As long as it's doing and spending on what they believe in i.e. big military and legislating morality, etc.

Don't believe me then take the World's Smallest Political Quiz and see where you stand.

I scored as a Libertarian.

LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and
economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one
that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence.
Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose
government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate
diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.

I read on another thread where someone suggested that Libertarians should leave the Republican Party and join the Dems, how do you figure we belong there?

Perhaps some of you should join the tax and spend, unsound monetary policy, we'll dictate how you should live your personal life while we waste your money on foreign adventurism party.
My dot was in the same spot as yours nate. I guess Im a libertarian . according to your little quiz. Too bad they dont really have much of a chance. I did go back and re take it too see how much whackoness it takes to tip the scales over to the statist side. Man , you gotta be freckin SATAN to get it to say STATIST.
I also came out as Libertarian. I suspect that this is more a membership tool then an true litmous test for political leanings. I very well could be wrong but the questions are a bit guiding and it IS a site guiding people toward learning more about the Libertarians. Maybe it would have "What is a liberal" on the results page if that were your result [shrug].
I very well could be wrong but the questions are a bit guiding and it IS a site guiding people toward learning more about the Libertarians.

I've had seven or eight people take it since I first saw it a couple of years ago and I've seen centrist, liberal and conservative as results as well as libertarian, I have to admit though that the man who scored as a liberal could best be described as mentally challenged.
For those of you that come up as libertarian on the World's Smallest Political quiz and want a more in depth quiz you can take the Libertarian Purity Test at this link:

The questions are interesting and doing a little bit of research on the various topics can be quite educational.
I'm not such a pure libertarian apparently


But I still have to take that quiz to find out

Edit: Scored a 46. Apparently I will become a libertarian extremist one day... ;)
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I score right with Nate 45 because I believe everyone should be required to receive basic military training. The questions do lead a little. If you are not smart enough to sit back and read through that oh well. You can definitely come out as any possibility if you change your answers to the questions. Answering all yes = 100% libertarian though. Would be better if they switched up the yes and no.

I think most people on this site would come out libertarian, just like most small business owners have views in line with the libertarian party. If you are used to taking care of yourself you don't need big government.
Sorry, it's fixed in my opinion. I took the test and kept changing the answers. I tried to get a Left or Right score, and I couldn't do it. Every score I got was down the center somewhere. Libertarian, Statist or Centrist, but that's the best I could do. I've seen this before and think it was set up by the libertarians. Just my 2 cents.
Sorry, it's fixed in my opinion. I took the test and kept changing the answers. I tried to get a Left or Right score, and I couldn't do it. Every score I got was down the center somewhere. Libertarian, Statist or Centrist, but that's the best I could do. I've seen this before and think it was set up by the libertarians.

Oh really, odd I got this result on my first attempt at answering as I thought a liberal would. Considering this and the fact that I first saw this quiz on Alan Colmes's web site someone who surely cannot be considered a shill for the Libertarians, I do not think it is rigged. You answer the questions honestly according to your own personal beliefs and it's a pretty good indicator of where you stand.

LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal
matters, but tend to support significant government control of the
economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net"
to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation
of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations,
defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action
to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.

I'm acquainted with the son of a friend of Marshall Fritz, the guy who fine-tuned this test - he can't remember how many times he's taken it or how many versions of it he's seen.

The scoring is rather straightforward - the left diagonal axis is the personal issues, and the right diagonal axis is the economic issues. You can get a "Right/Conservative" score if you disagree on most/all of the personal freedom issues such as sex, drugs, and rock & roll, but agree on most or all the economic issues. Likewise, disagreeing on the economic questions but agreeing on the sex, drugs, and rock & roll questions puts you over to the Left/Liberal side.
I scored a Centrist. Like to have had more explaination on what exactly they were talking about. But the definition describes me.