Big Brother Speaks


New member
This is a repro of a message from Steve Kendrick's "Cybershooters" mail list.

You've heard of "big brother" now you can hear him speak.

The politicos in CA obviously think gun owners are no longer a political force there. Here's an example of what happens in that situation. No matter where you live if you've never gotten involved up to this point maybe this will convince you.

OK folks,

This is the Real Player recording of the advertisements currently being
aired all across California regarding the SKS so-called buyback.

You have heard of the handwriting on the wall - well this is the voice in
your ear. Heed it. Mike P
Thanks, Rod.

Guys, you really, really need to listen to this. I'm so angry, scared, and frustrated just by hearing it - I can only imagine what I might do if I lived in the People's Republik of Kali.
I live in the People's Democratik Paradise of Kalifornia (LA no less) and that's the first time I've heard it. I watch TV and listen to the radio quite a bit and never once heard that. I've not seen it in the newspapers either and I usually read 2 per day (LA Times and OC Register).

The only place I've read or heard about the new classification is an insert the NRA made to go into The American Rifleman. All of the local gun shops copied it and posted the insert, of course.
I wonder if the People's Republik of Kalifornia used the Australian model for that "ad".

If what you know, isn't what you do, then your training is incomplete.
I really want to think that is a joke. But I know its not.

Truly Amazing. If that were in a movie, we'd've chuckled at how ludicrous it was.

So, what is that clock supposed to ticking down to at the end? Anyone heard anything about plans to attempt confiscations?
I recall an instance of several cops doing a no-knock entry on a guy growing weed (Oregon?). He had an SKS and plugged two, wounded one, despite their vests.
The others rushed him while he was reloading and wounded him. The official story is that he committed suicide later. I think the cops killed him.
Anyway, the thugs must have figured out that they got lucky and would suffer more casualties had he had more than ten rounds (I ended up with a mini-14 after than incident, up from an SKS). They are just trying to make Gestapo employees surprise here.

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Its true, Rob....that website is a sub-page off of the Calif AG page. I think somewhere there, it even names the Ad agency that did it lol.

I seriously doubt there will be confiscations ...Calif likes to make you a serious criminal first so when they kill you you have a bunch of charges against you....looks lots better in the newspapers and TV.

It works like this: If you were foolish enough to register it before they have a record...thus they will check records to see if you didn't, so they will send a nasty note in the mail and give you a week to 2 to comply. You don't, they will suspend your DL and your vehicle reg.....DMV is on you now, plus "failure to appear" on the SKS summons....there will be a want/warrant on your vehicle, a freeze on your bank account and in a year or so if you haven't caved they will go after then you are a serious criminal...then they kill you.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
What got me was that line "You won't get a second chance!" Maybe it's just me, but that sure sounded like a threat.
Second chance? I don't see where you get a first one.
I don't know that you folks in Kalifornia are gonna do, but I know what I would.
Rod, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We owe AG Bill a rousing thank you - it isn't often we get to see a real, live fascist at work.

Try out the video of AG Bill as well, and watch in awe as he intones:
"Recent events have tragically demonstrated the horrible cost of firearm violence. We all know that more must be done to further safeguard society – especially our children. New California law does just that. If you own an SKS Sporter with a detachable magazine, you own an illegal rifle. But you can do something … through a one-time buyback program you can receive money for turning in that rifle. The deadline is January 1st, 2000. After that, owners of these rifles will be subject to prosecution and all penalties prescribed by law. As Attorney General I urge you to take advantage of this offer, and help rid California of these dangerous weapons."

Isn't this classic fascism and new-speak? "Recent events", "tragically demonstrated" - the long-term effect of policy is not important - we have to tar and feather the Constitution in response to criminal actions. "We all know ...", making clear that those like ourselves on TFL are out of step with the logic of the State. "... further safeguard society - especially our children." - classic fascism, no? The interests of "society" (read, the State) are paramount - damn the selfish individual. And, of course we have Bill Clinton's familiar, cynical invocation of 'the children'. But hey ... sell your soul, and your rifle to this fascist b*****d.

This is absolutely disgusting. IMHO, this is fascism in action, and brought to your home in living color via the Internet.

He also provides a very handy reference for those fools who wonder why many of us strongly believe that any firearms registration is a trap. Some poor fools registered their SKS Sporter's years ago, and now they get to complete the process. And, those of us who still live in 'free' states can reference this handy web site to demonstrate the folly of complying with registration schemes. Incredible.

Well, the audio version is right about one thing. Time is running out ... I never, ever thought I would see the United States of America run by such disgusting men.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 11, 1999).]
This is just my take on it, but this is one reason I see there being such a rush to confiscate these weapons.

"Any SKS Sporter in California after January 1, 2000, is subject to seizure and the person possessing it may be subject to criminal prosecution."

The police couldn't handle the Rondney King riots, or that hard bank assault. They are probably quaking in their boots about the prospect of civil un-rest after 1/1/00.

Just a thought.

From: Ivan8883 6-14-99 904PM EDT On Monday June 7, Alex Jones on his shortwave show on Republic Radio, called LAPD and talked to one of the boys there concerning the SKS confiscation plan. He identified himself and voiced the concerns of his audience over such a unconstitutional law. The LAPD guy he talked to denied that any local cops would breAK DOWN DOORS TO SEIZE WEAPONS. Alex is from Austin, Texas,but pointed out that Americans around the country are watching these developments. I think people in Kalifornia should be flooding their police stations with calls protesting this insanity. But I think Kalifornia may be long gone. However, I am confident that many areas would have to be completely destroyed before Federales-Un got a single gun! God Bless the Republic ,Death to the New World Order. Ivan