Big Bores, Pain Blood and Girlie Loads-

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Alaska Roy

New member
Fat Man you've got a great thread going here, the problem as I see it is generational in that folks in my age group have worked for a living and built some callous and pain thesholds that many (not all) of the younger set havn't. Kids today get tendinitis from too many hours at the keyboard. I gotta throw a friendly dig at WE Shoot for those girley IPSC loads though, my factory .45acps factor higher that 210. Hornady Customs = 230s@1020fps. As a couple shotists mentioned, "ya gotta know yer limitations" is sage advise. IMO those little girlie alloy J-frames in .357 Mag hurt more than a .500 Linebaugh. I found a site that automatically figures recoil for your gun and load ( and all the big loads in the 454 Casull, 475 Linebaugh and .500 Linebaugh can be at 65 pounds of recoil! Who was it that sells the jelly gloves??? Roy
Sorry Guys-

I dunno which key I pushed but was trying to respond to Fatmans thread Duuuh, Roy not being computer literate
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