Bianchi Cup Info

Hey guys
was wonder If I could get some info on the Bianchi Cup?
Ive seen a little on tv but would like to attend and watch. Would really like to attend and shoot but not sure what you need to have or do to qualify. Can a green amateur go and shoot and what does it cost?
Thanks for the help guys.
Bianchi Cup, also known as NRA Action Pistol, is an extremely challenging pistol discipline.

NRA has some resources available on Bianchi Cup on their website. Here's the basic overview of Bianchi.

Here's a "how to get started" guide from NRA.

Additionally, for 2009, some changes to the types of gun for NRA Action Pistol have been announced. Previously, there were two categories, Open and Metallic. For '09, NRA has added a "Production" class, presumably in the hopes of capturing new shooters to the sport with a low cost of entry and the ability to be truly competitive within their class.

Here's (one more) link, this one to the "equipment and ammo" section of the NRA Action Pistol Rulebook.

Bianchi used to be the king of the action pistol games, but for a multitude of reasons had lost a lot of popularity in the past few years. NRA is trying to bring it back in a big way to make it competitive with IPSC and IDPA in terms of shooters; hence the 2009 Bianchi Cup will be a different animal from any previous events. From what I've heard, there are going to be new stages, and of course, the aforementioned Production division will make its debut at the '09 Cup.
What is it that's affecting the popularity of AP?

I know that there were several ranges in my region that held action pistol matches a few years ago, but only one of these has an active league any longer. Is it the cost a/o complexity, or just that IDPA/IPSC has absorbed these shooters?
This is all "personal opinion", so take that for whatever it's worth. I think a big problem with Bianchi Cup not growing in the past was because of the incredibly specialized equipment you needed to be effective. Unlike IDPA/USPSA, you couldn't until recently walk into a Bianchi Cup match with your Glock 34 and be competitive. Plus, because it was the same courses of fire all the time, but without the different competitive categories that you'd find in Steel Challenge.

Now, for 2009 NRA is changing things up - being a fan of the "old school" pistol competitions, I'm hoping that NRA instituting a Production class and what amounts to a "Limited" class will go a long way towards bringing new shooters to the game.
Go here.
If you can get there, read the rules and go. And don't worry about placing. You'll have the best vacation you've ever had. Not like Second Chance was though.
"...What is it that's affecting the popularity of AP?..." I'd bet the cost of shooting and gas prices. Just getting to matches has gotten expensive. The firearm manufacturers having financial and ownership issues likely has some to do with it too.
The production class sounds interesting. I tend to prefer a less modified pistol and have been looking to try an action discipline.

BTW a buddy of mine who'd competed in AP years ago seconded what you guys have mentioned - it became very expensive and too much of an 'arms race' to do well.