Bhutto Dead

No matter if you are non-American or not, this could be a dangerous trip wire that has been sprung. Pakistan is teetering on the edge of a religous/secular civil war, and has a fully functional nuclear arsenal. Not good. Especially since Pakistan is an American ally, and one of our last remaining superpower enemies is right next door, China, who might take a next door nuclear armed Pakistani civil war as a baaaaad idea, and send in "peacekeepers" of thier own. Write your own script after that - interlocking defense treaties are what really kicked of WWI...
Agreed, a total and absolute ****storm is just around the corner. As much as democrats hate despots, hopefully that dictator Musharraf will be able to keep the lid on the extremists. I felt so dirty typing that, I'm off for a shower.
Awfully kind of NY Times writer Seymour Hersh to tip the whole world off several years ago about US plans to seize Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal in the event of a radical Islamic takeover.
Rest assured only the innocent will die tonight. The tossers who did this are resting happy far away from the scene of the crime.
All on this forum have one thing in common at this point. We don't know who did it or why.

Since political activist typically don't blow themselves up, I would SPECULATE that it is Al Qaeda trying to disrupt things for whatever their bizarre goals are. But, that could be totally wrong. We may never know the truth.
In this particular game of "Clue", the room is crowded with suspects....

...Musharrif supporters, Kasmir separatists, al-Qaeda, pro-India supporters, connections with her prior "corruption" trial......the list is endless.....

I'm really worried about our troops in Afghanistan and their supply routes through Pakistan now..... :(
I saw Ms. Bhutto speak live on TV from Harvard and later at Salem State College. I've been a life long admirer and have such love for the lady and what she represented.

She made the impossible seem within reach and she was an intelligent and courageous lady without equal. I fear what the country of Pakistan will be like without her, just as I fear the world itself is now a little darker without her light. We in Boston have a special connection to her. She was known here as Pinky, who wore her hair long looking like a young Joan Baez, and enjoyed pigging out on peppermint ice-cream from Brighams. I remember hearing about here throwing off her traditional Pakistani dress the second her mother left - and making a mad dash to the Harvard Coop for jeans and a school sweatshirt. She was at ease with herself and had a way to make others just as comfortable in her presence, but she could hold her own against the most formidable leader too. Her passing leaves me absolutely heart broken and my prayers are with her family, friends, and the future of Pakistan.
Rings of the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the complex alliences and tensions of 100 years ago and could very well be as explosive a spark.
Until proven otherwise, that criminal PERVez Musharraf had his black operatives do this. The dark side of the Pakistani government is equally as bad as our CIA. It's well known that the Pakistani ISI and the CIA have a seamless relationship. These bogus bin laden tapes have had so many Pakistani/ISI connections that it is beyond rumor that the Pakistani ISI is holding Bin Laden on behalf of the CIA and creating these endless propaganda tapes.

The fact that bush calls PERVez an "ally" in the phony "war on terror" is very telling. Pervez Musharraf is a military dictator who wants to be furor for life, has instituted "emergency" rule, suspended the constitution, and who isn't even legally the president of Pakistan. This guy makes every informed person :barf: but our controlled "media" constantly makes him look good, and WORSE, they make Pervez look legitimate.

What is very telling is that we see a constant stream of news stories that repeat what everyone suspects: that bin laden is in protective "hiding" in Pakistan, but the media never EVER asks the question WHY we don't pursue that lead. We COULD be saying to PERVez, "find bin laden or WE WILL," yet it is very telling that our government refuses to do that.

Another thing that points to a dark side payoff relationship between the U.S. and pakistan is that most Pakistanis hate the out of control U.S. foreign policy, yet strangely, Pervez goes against his entire nation and operates like a U.S. lapdog.

Bhutto was opposition and opposition isn't allowed in Pakistan. Bush has made us an "ally" with an illegal military dictator in order to "spread democracy" :rolleyes: When will Americans wake up?
Until proven otherwise, that criminal PERVez Musharraf had his black operatives do this.


Of course Bhutto was a saint with her rampant corruption and her ties to the taliban. Her party was driven by purely altruistic motives, as shown by its creator, Bhuttos father, a man who has his political rivals killed.

Yeah, that Musharraf is a real bastard helping us with intelligence and logistics and keeping the fanatics at bay.

Bush has made us an "ally" with an illegal military dictator in order to "spread democracy" When will Americans wake up?

I see. So the better thing to do would have been to ignore Musharraf for the last 9 years and have nothing to do with Pakistan.
"Of course Bhutto was a saint with her rampant corruption and her ties to the taliban. Her party was driven by purely altruistic motives, as shown by its creator, Bhuttos father, a man who has his political rivals killed."

Charges that were never proven; her husband was held eight years also on charges that were never proven - and he was held, not on convictions by the way, but charges alone. Bhutto never said that Musharraf would order her death, only that he had a hand in it with his negligence. While he did work with the U.S., many in our government have not been satisified with all that he's done, only with knowledge that he's the best we have all things considered. Many are in agreement with Bhutto that while Musharraf has taken action against the extremist, he hasn't done enough which is what the other returned Pakistani leader has also said.

Why use this thread to bash a woman who's had the courage to stand up against the militants and defend U.S. policy when no one else in the Muslim world would? Unlike many world leaders in the Middle East and here, Bhutto risked her life for her beliefs. She could have said the Hell with it and stay in exile in England - she chose to put her life on the line to help restore democracy to a fragile government knowing that it could get her killed. No leader is without critics - even Bush has been called a terrorist. I intend to remember Benizar Bhutto for the person she was and all that she tried to accomplish in her brief life.
Until proven otherwise, that criminal PERVez Musharraf had his black operatives do this.

I love it. Second ammendment gun rights with no compromise. But, the legal maxim, innocent until proven guilty, can be compromised. Cherry pick what is right and wrong?
"Another thing that points to a dark side payoff relationship between the U.S. and pakistan is that most Pakistanis hate the out of control U.S. foreign policy, yet strangely, Pervez goes against his entire nation and operates like a U.S. lapdog."

Does he really go against his nation? Me thinks it as all a very thin facade that Pakistanis are able to see through. They are willing to put up with Musharaff's insincere "pro US" stance so long as he does not really crack down on militant Islamics.

Musharaff is a joke and the joke is on US taxpayers. Musharaff has run a catch and release program for terrorists since 9/11. He does just enough for the CIA to keep the money coming in. When it comes to letting the CIA and US military special operations folks hunt down terrorists in Pakistan, Musharaff always says no.
Obviously the killing of Bhutto is tragic and ridiculous but the few times I heard her talk, while knowing very little about her, I thought she was a Communist.

I'll have to do more reading up on her. Either way, she shouldn't have been murdered. God Da** thugs!!
The 'Blame America First' crowd will always be the most vigilent and vocal group with any global disaster. You guys feed right into the hands of our enemies. If you think so lowly of this country, please move.