BHO stumbling continues


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It is my contention that the Heller decision will ultimately hurt BHO because he will try to have it both ways.

He will try to support gun bans. He said back in Feb. that he supported D.C.'s ban, and thought it was constitutional.

But he will also try to say he thinks the Second Amendment is an individual right, and that the Heller decision got it right, which he has done very recently.

He will make both sides mad at him.

The most significant thing is that his star-struck supporters will come to see him as just another say-anything politician, not some sort of a Messiah.

And with star-struck, Messiah-envisioning supporters, the key is NOT to get them to vote against BHO.

The key is to merely get them so disillusioned that the don't vote at all.

And with the Chicago gun ban lawsuit up next, and with Chicago being BHO's home town, the heat will only get hotter for him on this issue.

Here's a link and excerpt with some more evidence to that.

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama's recent rightward lurch on key issues is causing a revolt among left-wing bloggers and activists, who had been his earliest and most ardent supporters.

"Obama's not just moving to the center for the general [election], he's practically denouncing and rejecting every progressive voice in the country," fumes Danner Kline, who blogs in Alabama for his Web site,

Over the past several weeks, Obama has shifted from his liberal positions on gun rights, capital punishment and terrorist surveillance. And he walked away from his pledge to work within the confines of public campaign financing.

In addition, liberals lament, Obama took swipes this week at and retired Gen. Wesley Clark for their fierce partisan attacks.

Just yesterday, Obama pledged support for expanding President Bush's church-based federal assistance program, which is opposed by so many on the left.

When he first attended an Obama event a year ago, Kline said he was "awed" by an inspirational speaker who wouldn't back down from his principles.

But then came Obama's rotations.

"I have been staunchly in support of Obama until the past few weeks," Kline told The Post.
Obama absolutely supports Heller. He supports the rights of sportsman to go hunting using .22 & .410's. He of course wants commons sense solutions applied to the Heller decision.

Common Sense:
Guns kept at your home should be dis-assembled with parts stored in separate safes. Ammo should be kept at a separate location and also locked in a safe. Combinations can be stored in a national archive that you could access 4hrs per day.:mad:
madmag said:
Common Sense:Guns kept at your home should be dis-assembled with parts stored in separate safes.

FWIW - the Heller decision specifically said that requiring firearms to be disassembled was unconstitutional. It infringes on our right to bear arms.

To paraphrase SCOTUS, from wikipedia:
Therefore, the District of Columbia's handgun ban, which "amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of 'arms' that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense" and the requirement that any firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock that "makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense," is unconstitutional.
Leaving them at home is also a requirement that makes them impossible to be used for their core lawful purpose of self defense.