Beyond the 2nd Amendment


New member
This has been mentioned on the board, but didn't seem to get much attention. Please, read and follow up with letters, emails, phone calls, whatever. From the looks of things, it WILL pass.

The United States Congress is on the verge
of passing a Republican sponsored bill that
would eradicate the Fourth Amendment of the
United States Constitution. If the bill becomes law, then it would grant federal, state and local government agencies the power to obtain "intangible" evidence -- hard-drive
data, photographs or copies made of any
documents or family or personal belongings, diaries, etc. – without ever having to inform the owner that their property was ever searched.

There are 10 Amendments to the Bill of Rights. I'm not willing to give up any of them.

[This message has been edited by Colombe (edited June 02, 2000).]