beyond reason.. not really


New member Uploads/20150219_164525_zps3kiofj9g.jpg
here is the green guy at 70 yards, it's windy and 20* Uploads/20150219_165150_zpsvck0wiza.jpg Uploads/20150219_170140_zps76q4t6ww.jpg
The players, my 3" Rossi .44special w/a 240gr. LSWC and my G19 with a 135 gr. Hydra-shok and XS Big Dots Uploads/20150219_164800_zpsykfcb366.jpg
broke his hip with the Rossi. Uploads/20150219_164749_zpsdx38dqok.jpg
missed with the G19
took a single shot with each gun, first time I have had either of these 2 past 30 yards. a little work and i can dial them in :D
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well looks like photo bucket is going to fight me, somebody feel free to share those for me:rolleyes:
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Photobucket isn't fighting you, you just posted those as links instead of pictures. Hit the image icon (it looks like a photo of some mountains) and paste the image URL. It will look like this (without the spaces I added next to the brackets):

[ IMG ][ /IMG ]

And when you post, it will look like this:


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I'll be honest: I'm having a hard time figuring out what this thread is about. By piecing together the first post with the fourth one, I'm guessing it has something to do with shooting at a distant target with two different guns, but I'm not seeing much else to explain things in context. Heck, even the thread title doesn't make much sense to me. Help me out here?
Why does anyone HAVE to use their phone for this? How is anything like this so time critical that you cannot wait to get access to an actual PC, and use it to post, so we can actually see what you are talking about?
the reason it's posted with my phone is my PC and internet service is having some kind of issue with photobucket that I have not figured out yet' it won't let me post the pictures just links to them.
As for what its about it just showing where I took 2 of my carry guns out to 70 yards on a whim and drew and fired at the target. no props, just a draw, quick 2 handed grip , sight picture and fire all in less than 2 seconds, with the .44 I hit in the hip area of the target and shot just over the head with my G19.

I'm showing what you can do if you try, neither of these shots were great but this was my first try out this far and now if I take either gun out there right now I have a point of reference for myself to start dropping rounds on target, and I would like to encourage others to get out of their 7-10 yard comfort zone and really see what they can do with their carry gun if they just try.
1. If your trying to take out a target at 210 ft it's time to get a rifle.

2. If you do need too defend yourself from that far and only have a pistol you need to try to move around and close the distance or just get the heck out of there. Or at least take time to get on target. Remember that bullets don't stop after it misses it's mark. That miss could hit someone else.
OK, I got it now. Thanks for the clarification.

A lot of us have done some playing around with long range handgunning. I grew up reading Elmer Keith and others, so you know, I just had to try it.

It wasn't that hard, for me, any way. I never tried any draw and fire at speed, for distance shooting (seemed foolish to me), but slow fire, offhand, one handed, classic bullseye stance, left hand in hip pocket, I can ring the 200yd gong on the rifle range with any handgun you give me (other than a single shot) before its empty. Done it on numerous occasions. (although, I should mention it took a couple decades of practice to reach this point.:D)

All you need to learn is a backstop that shows your misses, and with small calibers, maybe a spotter.

If your trying to take out a target at 210 ft it's time to get a rifle.

210ft? 70yards? agree. If its a target you need to take out (one that is shooting at you), you are better served with a rifle. If you have the luxury of choice.

I've taken game at 70yds with several handguns. I will not shoot at game at 200yards with a pistol, but at targets its a fun challenge.

There is more to handgunning than just self defense. Lots more.
glockstar 40 said:
If your trying to take out a target at 210 ft it's time to get a rifle.

My experience (military and law enforcement) has been that if you're trying to take out a target at ANY range then it's time to get a rifle. There's a reason that entry teams typically use something like an M4 carbine.

However, if all you have is a pistol, a knife, or a rock, you use what's available! ;)
I guess everyone is finally on track with this post, for the OP I would suggest you drop the draw and fire drill and as others have noted, take time to learn the weapon's ability to strike with carefully aimed shots at that distance. Even in a defensive mode at long pistol ranges an accurate shot is going to beat speed and volume fire that dances about the target. I could knock bowling pins over at 100 yards with my Glock .40 with little effort, probably still can if I practice a bit but that is with a slow two hand hold and smooth trigger pull. Up close and personal is a completely different propisition. For thirty five years I was the range master as part of my LE duties and am proud of the number of good shooters out there (many far better than I) that received their basic motivation from my instruction.
the reason it's posted with my phone is my PC and internet service is having some kind of issue with photobucket that I have not figured out yet' it won't let me post the pictures just links to them.
So post them as links, then go back and edit the links into images by changing everywhere you see to [img]. I still don't understand what this thread is about, though.
Aguila, I think its about how the OP, literally took his first shots beyond spittin' distance and actually hit close to his target.

Now, I think he's wondering about others doing this, and if they're not, maybe they should try it.

I think.