Beware of Global Firearms Suppliers, Scammers


New member
Global Firearms Suppliers is a scam site. I got took by them on a pistol purchase. I should have known better, but wanted the pistol to round out my Beretta collection. When it wasn't delivered as specified, I tried contacting them for two days. They would not respond to my chat posts or E-mails.

Today, I got on their web site chat and posted, " Well about now I'm feeling like I've been scammed. So as of today I'm posting on every gun site to beware of Global Firearms Suppliers, they are scammers."

They immediately came back and said, "That’s what you think? Well go ahead"
Since I grew up well before the internet existed, I've never, and would never buy a gun, sight unseen.

I also remember the days when buying a used gun from somewhere else would include a (usually) three day inspection period. Especially with any high dollar items.

If you paid for something and it was never delivered there are avenues of recourse, your credit card agency, the BBB and even. possibly the police. It is, after all, fraud to take your money and not deliver what you paid for.

Clearly a "yeah well go ahead and prove it" is not even remotely a satisfasctory response and not one I would accept from any reputable business.

Thanks for the heads up about your troubles, explore your legal options, and consider spending the buck on a lawyer. If this happened to me, it wouldn't be about the money they stole, it would be about the principle of the thing and I'd be willing to spend a bit to see those people get what they deserve.

Good luck, let us know how it goes...
Arrrg! Sorry for your loss.

When I hear about stuff like this I get out my little soap box and go on a tirade about how our government leaders COULD get together and do something about this instead of fighting each other to the death for control of...whatever they want to have control over.

There's several items like this. Phone scams come to mind too. Why is spoofing the caller id feature so easy? (I honestly don't know the answer to this). I get weekly phone scams, most from folk with Indian (the country) accents. And if you tell me our laws can't apply to folk in other countries I'd counter that our government deals with foreign countries ALL THE TIME and just maybe they could do something to get them to stop the scams.

While I get weekly phone scams that are easy to detect about every two months I get one that is a little more hard to ignore like the one's asking me to confirm a bogus purchase from Amazon. And then about once a year I get a threatening phone call that purports to be from the Social Security Administration, the IRS or even from my local electric utility (they'll turn off my electricity this afternoon unless I go to the Walmart, buy a few hundred dollars worth of Apple gift cards, scratch 'em off and read them the numbers---sheesh).

IMhO we've got a LOT of government. We've got LOTS AND LOTS of government, why can't they do something useful that would benefit all of us? And I'll admit I come from Minnesota where the state allowed itself to be scammed out of $250 MILLION dollars in a food fraud scam. Our NUMEROUS agencies and committees etc., etc. couldn't be bothered to get out of their offices and go check on some CLEARLY outrageous claims that were being made about providing hundreds and hundreds of meals to people.
There have been a few reported on one of the Shotgun forums I visit as well; these websites are fantastically done and look legit; but hen you go to checkout, the only payment options are crypto, Zelle, Venmo, etc - all without ANY protection for you. That is the first sign of a scam site and they are increasing every day. If it is priced too good to be true, or they have tons of inventory that none of the legit online sites can get; run away