Beverly Hills Robberies / Home Invasions


New member
There is a very interesting article in Feb 2005's issue of Vanity Fair about a string of Home Invasions / Robberies in Beverly Hills.

The short version is that a string of robberies in an affluent area of Beverly Hills which included doctors, actors, lawyers (poetic justice), details include: Daylight robberies which occupants were in the home, robbers disguising themselves as everything from meter inspection teams, repair men, greenpeace solicitors. Certain robberies had inside help: Maids, gardeners, and even a string of robberies where ADT was just installed, and the alarm system as neutralized (professionally) and thousands in art, jewels, cash, furniture was stolen!

Including a daring double daylight robbery where there was a children's party and the robber took a child's backpack to hold jewelry and cash from the doctor and other party goers (while holding a 9mm in the doctor's face)! Then he had the audacity to go to the next house across from the golf course. (And Rob them too!)

Another robbery was two individuals who disguised themselves as greenpeace solicitors were welcomed into a home of two retired folks and they robbed those two halpless people.

Russian crews of former Soviet Special forces, Gypsies, Hispanic and African american gangs sizes from 3-6 are suspected in this string of robberies.

The article further pointed out that even security protected homes who actually responded with security guards never went in to protect the residents of the robbery, they merely arrived, stayed outside the home and waited for the real police to show up.

Goes to show you the liberal attitude of "hollywood".

You would think if you can afford household help, that you would take the time out to do a background check. And get some references from your security company. As well as its policies on how to deal with this stuff.

Now not that I can afford maids, sophisticated security systems, nor do I have thousands in jewelry and cash in my home, but if a robber decided to home invade my humble obode, they would face some 12 ga security systems that would probably increase their chances of dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight.
There are lots of home invasions by armed perps in Los Angeles proper. I lived in the area of L.A. called Hancock Park, where a lot of affluent Jews live. In the three years I was there, there were at least three home invasions that happened in broad daylight! At least once, the perps made the six mile drive from South Central to do their "shopping."

In my apartment building, the girl that lived one floor above me had her place cleaned out. It was at night, around 3:00 am. I know this because I heard their footsteps and noise. She was a noisy girl so I assumed it was her. Next day, po-po were there taking reports. I caught a glimpse of her place. Bone-dry empty. They left the fridge, but not the food that was inside it. Couch, tables... everything... was gone. That's when I started keeping my HD weapon (SIG P239) in Condition One.

Beverly Hills is an armed robber's cream dream. Lots of money owned by people who hate guns. They don't even hire security guards at many locations.
I'm one the the people that just thinks this won't happen where I live. My wife and I live in a fairly affluent neighborhood and pretty much mind our own business. Crimes such as this happen in LA, Dallas, and other large cities.

The trouble is, day before yesterday there were three daytime home invasion robberies in various areas of our town. The day before there were two in a little town 25 miles away. The police believe it's the same group of punks.

Three nights ago some dip**** empties out my hunting trailer which was parked next to my two sleeping guard dogs.

Now I'm paranoid, how do I protect my family and myself? I keep my doors deadbolted, I set my security system at night now when I'm in bed, I have a pistol in my desk drawer, a pistol on the top of the TV in the bedroom, and have two little dogs that bark if a flea farts.

I refused to carry a firearm in my home prior to these insidents but am reconsidering.

So I guess my question is what other measures should I take? I'm not too worried about myself but my wife. I spend every other week on my small ranch so my wife is alone.

Any suggestions,

Wow Bill, with your wife being there alone all of that time, I would certainly invest in an either real or immitation security camera system. Even if the cameras are fake but visible, they make for an excellent deterrent to would be robbers. Also installation of panic buttons with a loud alarm (which will call the police) in all or main rooms of the house would not be a bad idea. Sorry about the incidents. Good luck!
Bill, FWIW, a LEO friend said the best deterrent is the dogs. However, in your case, a guard dog would be comforting.

Alarms don't work. Statistically, you've got as much chance discouraging intruders with a mere ADT sign as to have the actual equipment. Many police departments no longer respond to home alarms.

Firearms are good, but only after the perp is in the house. I don't even like to think of that possibility.

But a guard dog. Crooks really fear them.
Yeah, stupid phukin lawyers - got what they deserved - that'll teach 'em to try to work hard and help the public seek redress of grievances and wrongdoing!

I was actually looking at some camera systems that you can enable on the internet. This way you can look at what the camera can see via secure web page.

Does your wife know how to use a gun and defend herself? I would invest in some self defense classes and gun training. Its a scary world out there.

She's able to take care of herself. I'm a fair shot with a pistol, she's much better. I'm just pissed this is going on in my home town.

I've thought of the security cameras but don't feel they'd do any good. As I write this I have an electrician installing motion detectors and floods at verious points around the house.

If nothing else it will put light on the subject.

As far as guard dogs go, I have enough. My lab is 15 and blind, my border collie is 14.5 deaf, with no teeth. Like I wrote earlier they slept through my trailer incident and my ankle biters bark at everything but burglers.

I know what you mean by home town.

As I live in an area where houses appreciated recently 38% over 3 months! At least it is keeping the rift-raft away with high prices.

But paying the property taxes that we do, I think its the right of every American to live in a safe, secure neighborhood. But since this is not the case, being prepared is a close second option.
The local cops echo what you guys have said...a yappy dog is quite the deterrent.

But my advice is to also carry a piece ON you, not leave it in a drawer. Some dude busts in your house wielding a machete (I live in VA) are you gonna be able to get to it in 3 seconds?
You know something, I must confess that I am rather irritated with the perspective and tone that duxman took on this post when starting it. I am actually from Beverly Hills, ca born and raisied, and currently am in Tucson attending college. Its a funny thing that you mention breaking into your house and having a 12 gauge defense system. I promise you that if there werent certain individuals in the state who created certain firearm laws, I too would have my 12 gauge set out waiting. The mere fact is that in order to have a gun in BH requires jumping through some hoops ( I cant even have my CZ out, it must be locked up). That doesnt mean though you can keep it out freely or even use it freely. But just say that you have your gun in BH or LA, if you use it, any scummy lawyer on earth would defend the people/person who robbed you and that you shot and sue your a$$ for defending yourself and killing/injuring the poor guy who was stealing from you to provide for his family or whatever reason. The worst thing is, you WILL more than likely lose for whatever reason, despite the fact you were being robbed and your life was in danger simply because often times affluent individuals are easy targets and not well liked because we are thought to be snobby or arrogant. So put yourself in someone elses shoes for a moment and ask yourself if you had worked really hard over the course of your life and made a lot of money, and knew that in a worst case scenario if you had to defend yourself, you could stand to lose the bulk or at least a significant chunk of you assests if you use a gun or any weapon for that matter, I dont think for a second you would do it. Instead you would rely on an ADT or some other company to protect you because you figure it would be the safest thing to do. And even then, they probably cant do anything either because they are afraid of getting sued. So you really are left with not many options.

Moving to another point of background checks, it is an unfortunate thing that many of the maids and home aids are in fact illegal aliens or do not have a background or are paid under the table, all for various reasons. So in that case, what do you about a background check? And just say for a second you do a background check, how many times do you think people have lied or falsified info on a reference? Many people do background checks and gee what do you know, they have a colorful background after all that doesnt turn up until something happens. For instance, in arizona, I recently heard from a colleague that a teacher had been hired at ASU and of course at university level, they do a background check, he is hired from what I understand and they find out later that he earned his degree after serving 17 years in prison for murder and revoke the job when it hits the news( So background checks seem to be faulty occassionally, so I dont entirely blame people who do not perform them.

I suppose that my point is, hollywood is a unique environment (and yes it does display a "liberal attitude") and people often see it in different ways than others do, however, you shouldnt lump BH in with hollywood, or any other city, the attitudes of the poeple from BH and other cities might actually surprise you. We arent all hollywood types who hate guns and love glamour and earn our money by sitting in front a camera providing mindless entertainment for the masses. Some of us are real estate agents, some of us are teachers, others are doctors, and some, like me for instance are farm workers and botanists and scientists. I dont want to sound holier than thou or offend, but I want to shed some light, offer a different perspective, and make the point that people should think, and try not make stereotypes... it is a very close-minded and unintelligent thing to do. We all live in a democracy which is governed by majority rule (to put it simply) but that doesnt mean we all agree with the way things are, we just adapt to survive.

-- Well armed citizen of Beverly Hills, California

First, congratulations about being a well armed citizen. One of the few in the W coast I am sure.

2nd - if you do not like the attitude of my posts - Dont read them.

Furthermore, your statement just goes to prove me right:

You complain about the possible lawsuits you face in case you defend yourself from agression. Well - move to TX where the jury will not convict you and you will probably win the case. But if you decide to live in CA, knowing the conditions, and you do nothing about it - you lose your right to just "complain".

2nd - on background checks - if you can "afford" domestic help - do it the right way. Hire legal americans, and do a comprehensive check. Otherwise do the housework yourself like 99% of the country. Otherwise don't be surprised when you are robbed.

Lastly - I did not complain about the attitude of the entire BH population, just the "hollywood" attitude of looking at things - which you agreed with me on.
Maybe you should go back and read that post again... If you read it, at least to me it doesnt seem that I am complaining ( as it wasnt my intent) but merely explaining the reasoning for things occuring. Saying that since I dont like whats going on that I should just move away is a rather silly comment. Have you ever complained about something where you live? Maybe it was a stop light, or some guy flipped you off, or maybe the line was too long somewhere... well since you choose to continue performing the actions that you do whether its continuing to drive or shop a store or whatnot, then I suppose that you too lose your right to "complain" to quote you. Perhaps you should move out of this country then and live elsewhere if you dont enjoy all of the politics here. Thats what you are saying right? If you dont agree with even one thing, knowing its a "condition" of where you live and continue to live here you should move away instead???
As far as housework, I do my work, it happens that my grandmother has help in her house cause shes 80 and still works full time. Im not justifying everyones help but quite a few have reasons. Lastly, the way you responded just goes to reinforce what I was saying about being close minded and unintelligent. If you read the post carefully, you might notice that I took the time to explain what I was saying instead of "complaining" out right like you seem to think I did. And no, I will not simply not read your post if I do not like them. I read your post, I had a different opinion, I felt that someone out there might benefit from hearing first handabout the topic, and made an argument about what you said and explained why it happens that way sometimes. If you dont like my response, then dont come on TFL and complain about my post. Remember, you lost that right by coming on the website and rereading this post. It was an opinion and a different perspective. So why dont you let everyone else decide what they think and we'll leave it at that isntead of starting a pissing contest.
Perhaps you should ask your friends to read your post, because it reads like one long complaint about how hard it is to defend yourself in CA and not get sued....The first paragraph.

The second reads how impractical background checks are, and the third paragraph is how not all of BH are flaming liberals. Hmmm. How many solutions did you offer? None.

What new insight did you bring to this post? Aside from your rhetoric?

Did you attack me personally with the first line of your response?
"You know something, I must confess that I am rather irritated with the perspective and tone that duxman took on this post when starting it."

What have you done to make CA more firearm friendly? Did you write to your Senator / Congressman? Did you publish a blog? Did you support local firearms rights groups?

I practice what I preach - I used to live in Torrance, CA and moved to Northern Virginia and I would never move back. "Kommiefornia" is just totally gun friendly.

I am not against folks who have opposite opinions other than my own, if you read my responses to other posts - you will see that sometimes, I even change my way of thinking when presented with an intelligent argument.

What I do not like is being personally attacked. And calling someone closeminded and unintelligent is just that - you made this personal.

You are new around here - and as I once was. Showing some respect to the folks who have posted very intelligent firearms topics in a firearms forum might have been the prudent thing to do.

But I guess we have just proven just the type of person you are.
Eh, they can afford to be robbed, or pay someone to get robbed for them.


The reason the bad guys are getting away with it is because they can. The residents arent as paranoid as normal people because they think the police will give them preferential treatment.
im not new around here, I was on TFL before it was shutdown several years ago and replaced by thr... I lost my account on here. I didnt attack you i said i was irritated not saying you were a moron. i have a lot of better things to do and I have had people read this... but im not getting into a pissing contest with you. And my post wasnt written to offer anything. it was an opinion and a different way to look at. Speaking of which, what insight did you bring. I think i brought some by giving a first hand account of living in BH, so thats what i brought to the table. You brought these lame rebuttals which prove you have to be right and you broght "hollywood liberals" to the table. Good addition. I have joined the NRA to help support firearms rights, I have voted against people who didnt support them, I have donated money to people who support firearm rights, I have gone to classes to learn gun safety. I have posted my thoughts on boards such as this one. What did you do? You moved away. So dont start with me about this. Accept the fact that I had a different opinion than you and move on.
I am also a member of the NRA, and have voted for pro-gun politicians, just like you. And as a matter of fact - I was not the only one who moved. So did you.

Talk about the double standard.

Learn how to spell.
Im in college... in arizona...and I can spell. "I am actually from Beverly Hills, ca born and raisied, and currently am in Tucson attending college". Learn to read and how to identify a typo...I meant to say, simply because you have made 300+ posts doesnt mean they were intelligent. Nor does that mean that I should show respect to someone such as yourself. I show respect when its earned. And being as though I joined prior to TFL being shutdown, does that mean you should show some respect towards me and not act like a child just because I have a different perspective? I mean if you want to get into a discussion about seniority here... This is rediculous man move on... :barf:
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I hate to resort to this sort of thing, but if you're going to throw out your college education and the fact that you attend a univeristy, then you might want to show off your high priced education with proper capitlization and punctuation.

Otherwise, you come off as an ignorant jackhole. Someone's paying a pretty penny for your education, you should be proud of it.