Between the ages of 18 and 21...


New member
I'm sure most of us have heard of this in IL, this so called "6 seconds to safety", where you carry an unloaded gun in a case, bag, fanny pack, or purse, with a loaded magazine OUT of the gun.
The idea is that if you feel the need to defend yourself you open the bag load the gun in 6 seconds if you're good.

Here's the deal though with VA you have to be 21+ to get a CHP, so that's not an option for me for another 2 years unfortunately.

Now, open carry is perfectly legal here, even stated on the VA state police website. Though I feel that sometimes it's not appropriate, whether due to dress or location, so I'm just toying with other LEGAL ideas.

The thing is is that I can't find VA's code/laws on transporting, not carrying a firearm.

So would I be able to carry an unloaded gun (have several pistols already I've gotten as gifts ) / with a loaded magazine in the same bag? Like I said, I know this is no where near as good as having a loaded gun ready to go (like if concealed or open carried) but this is the best I can do at the time unless I choose to OC, and I figure having a "unloaded" gun with a loaded mag ready is better than having nothing.

like I said before, since I can't carry concealed at this point, I figured just having a gun with me would be better than nothing, if nothing more than more peace of mind than anything else, which is why I was asking if anyone knew Virginia's laws defining what is "transportation" vs. "concealed carry".

thanks in advance :)

PS I posted this on THR but I worded it a little differently here because some people took my post the wrong way.
Why wouldn't you just carry a loaded pistol in your glove box?? When's the last time you've had your glove box searched? Weigh the risk of attack by an uncivilized savage versus the risk of being searched.
breaking the law (no matter how much I disagree with it) isn't an option :cool:

From what it looks like, as long as it is unloaded and "secured" aka not in a holster, but an actual case/bag, and if "I'm going to or from the shooting range" I'd be ok.

I'd like to reiterate though that it's not my first choice, or if it's a good choice, but I'm just exploring all options here.

OC is fine however, it's just that OC is a little hard with a heavy coat on, though I could move the OWB holster to the 11:30 position if the front of my coat is open...hmmm :)
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Moving this one to Legal, where it fits a bit better.


thanks for doin' that :)

Realized this would have been a better spot after I originally posted :o

Yes open carry is legal in VA :cool:
I may be wrong, but I thought under 21 could not buy or own pistols per Federal Law. Does anyone know for sure, as that would affect this persons options.
Nope, *depending on the state* I can own a handgun at age 18, and purchase them through private sales. Federal law prohibits (under the Youth Handgun Safety Act) those under 18 from possessing handguns. But you must be 21 to buy a handgun from an FFL dealer, and to buy ammunition for use in a handgun.

If a state has no further restrictions than federal law, it's perfectly legal to own a handgun at age 18. In virginia, we don't have any further restrictions regarding age and handguns, but some other states do.
Why wouldn't you just carry a loaded pistol in your glove box?? When's the last time you've had your glove box searched? Weigh the risk of attack by an uncivilized savage versus the risk of being searched.

Do you remember the thread I made about people advocating breaking the law?

People like this do NOTHING but help taint us.

On to the topic, Either follow the law or do your best to change it.
On to the topic, Either follow the law or do your best to change it.

Have you heard of this new case in Washington DC going to the Supreme Court? Started off as Parker vs Washington DC, now it's called Heller instead of Parker?

That's civil disobedience, and it is a cornerstone of the challenge system to unjust laws in our country.

Everyone has it available to them; not just folks over 18 or 21.

Can't take a law to the supreme court for it violating your rights, unless you have standing. Meaning, the law actually had to violate your rights. If you passively go along with it, you don't have standing.

People like this do NOTHING but help taint us.

Drat those pesky Heller and Parker people.:rolleyes:
"Have you heard of this new case in Washington DC going to the Supreme Court? Started off as Parker vs Washington DC, now it's called Heller instead of Parker?

That's civil disobedience, and it is a cornerstone of the challenge system to unjust laws in our country."

Non e of the plaintiffs violated the law in the district.
Heller APPLIED for the permit and was denied.
ONLY he was found to have standing by the appellate court.
They have been trying to get the other complainants re-instated.

"I may be wrong, but I thought under 21 could not buy or own pistols per Federal Law. Does anyone know for sure, as that would affect this persons options."

Federal law limits the purchase of handguns FROM AN FFL to age 21.
SOME states restrict purchase also, but many allow purchase from a private party at age 18.

Getting ammunition is another matter.
You are required to be 21 to purchase handgun ammunition FOR A HANDGUN under federal law.
Let me go a little further then. If Federal law does not allow handgun ammo to be bought until age 21, does it also cover possession of ammo under 21 as well?

If so, it would seem you are saying the states that allow an 18 year old to buy a gun FTF is only really getting a paper weight until they turn 21.
