Between a Rock and a Hard Place in Chicago


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Between a Rock and a Hard Place
By Admin on December 13, 2007 7:02 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

Chuck Goudie and ABC7 Chicago's I-Team stalked an elderly black woman back to her home in Chicago and confronted her on television regarding her recent handgun purchase in an I-Team report aired on Wednesday, December 12th, 2007.

Chuck proceeded to grill her about her purchase and in a holier-than-thou manner, inform her that the .32 calibre pistol was illegal to have in her house in Chicago.

It is a certainty that Delores Bryan knows the legalities and realities of living in her neighborhood of Chicago. She, like many others, are trapped in a no-win situation. It is clear that the City of Chicago and Mayor Daley are unable to protect her. Even were they at full strength, the police can't be everywhere. Nor are they and the City legally responsible for any Chicago resident's safety. As a former State's Attorney, Daley is well aware of the vast number of violent offenders that are either not prosecuted fully by the State's Attorney's Office or are lightly sentenced by Cook County judges.

Simply put, Delores, like no doubt many others in Chicago, have had to choose between survival and violating Chicago's ill-conceived and unconstitutional handgun ban. The last, and most important, of her civil rights are being violated---the right to defend her own life. Where is Jesse Jackson now? He's abetting those that are forcing Delores to the back of the bus.

Now that Chuck has visited Delores, he should show us where he lives. I'd like to see how safe his neighborhood is and what security precautions he can afford to take to protect his life, family's lives, and property.

Delores didn't purchase her .32 caliber pistol in order to participate in a drive-by shooting. She bought it because it is the only tool that she can use to defend herself. It was designed to equalize force between people of disparate size and strength. This was exemplified by the heroic actions of Jeanne Assam who defended hundreds from a man much bigger and much more heavily armed than herself.

Daley and others tell Delores that she must use a shotgun instead. It is inconceivable that she would be able to lug such a weapon around her house everywhere she goes and at all times. It simply is too heavy and bulky.

Chuck Goudie should pick on someone his own size.

The only way to stop or chage this stuff is if every pro 2nd, and every gun owner, wether for hunting, home defense, collecting, whatever, start writing their respective congress critters. Fooding them with hardcopy and email, letting them know that these "voters" aren't going to stand for these laws. Squeaky wheels....
Not gonna happen.

The only way to stop or chage this stuff is if every pro 2nd, and every gun owner, wether for hunting, home defense, collecting, whatever, start writing their respective congress critters. Fooding them with hardcopy and email, letting them know that these "voters" aren't going to stand for these laws. Squeaky wheels....

Sadly, that just won't happen.
I never thought I'd say this, and it's sure gonna step on some toes, but most gun owners are selfish cowards who care nothing for people whose interests don't align with their own.
Our liberties aren't being eroded by Mayor Daley and others of his ilk, but rather by gun owners' apathy and selfishness.
When our right is finally removed, I expect to hear nothing from gun owners except "we brought this on ourselves".
Cheers to this woman and others like her who choose not to be victims.

I wonder why they did not hassle a few gang members about their guns? I guess they are more worried about an old lady's .32 than the full-auto AKs pouring into Chicago from South America, mixed in with the cocaine shipments.

There are plenty of them around, I used to hear them fairly often. Explosives and hand grenades as well.
They can't.

They can't hassle the gang-bangers and thugs. They're scared.
It's far easier to accost a little old lady than it is a group of 20-somethings.
Why? Because they can be fairly sure the LAW-ABIDING little old lady won't just cut them down in the street like the thugs probably would.

Disgusting hypocrite cowards.:barf:
while he's attempting some "hard-hitting" reporting, maybe he could go to a public housing complex and start knocking on those doors to remind all of the tenants of said ban on h/guns. now that's a report i'd like to see.
Liberals learn very slowly if at all. If the human lifespan were 200 years, they might work through the logic of gun ownership, crime, and gun control. But they die of old age long before they can figure it all out.

I think a real question is how did the reporter find out about the purchase. In most states firearms purchases are not public records. It seems to me that most likely someone broke a law and either sold or passed on the purchase info. Same person could very easily be passing on info to burglars so they know where to go. It may be public record that you have a FOID but I seriously doubt that what you own or purchase is included in the public record.
I emailed Chuck Goudie regarding that expose'. I asked him if it's possible that people who bring legally purchased guns into Chicago are tired of having to rely on the CPD. Try as they may they can't be everywhere and too often when they do show up it's too late. He declined to respond to my email(big surprise):rolleyes:.