Best way to stand when at the range with a pistol

When I pistol shoot, I like to spread my legs about 1 foot apart, lean foward, grip the gun firmly (no death grips), and extend my arms about as far as they will reach. I also do not bend my knees at all. What position/stance do you guys use?
I find I still use the old NRA single hand extended stance. I practice others as well, but I do my best target work that way.
Usually two handed, sometimes braced against one side of the point wall. I'll practice one handed just to see how accurate (not very) I am like that, but two handed feels best. Oh, and feet about shoulders width apart.
Feet about shoulder width apart, weak leg slightly back to provide a more stable shooting platform. Knees slightly flexed, leaning forward slightly. Elbows rotated in, wrist locked, gripping the pistol much like I would a hammer. This is my defensive shooting/combat shooting stance.

I also practice one handed. With one hand I have about the same body position except I'm standing up straight, with my body about a 45 degree angle from the target as to give my shooting hand the proper natural point of aim.

Modified Isosceles or Bullseye stances, depending on what I'm shooting. I prefer the latter for shooting single action revolvers.
Call me stupid, but I like to stand one of the following positions :

Moving forward
moving backwards
moving side to side.

When i'm trying really hard to make an impressive "Look i shot out the 10ring" target, I do almost the same as you, except instead of putting my feet one foot apart and not bending my knees, I position my feed forward/back, instead of side to side. I honestly couldn't tell you if i bend my knees or not.
This is Isoceles, right? Or is it Weaver? Point-shooting, maybe?
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That's a real nice photo westminster. A nice demo of firearms responsility... :rolleyes: I can't wait for your 2nd post.

Back in the olden days, while a leo, I used an open stance with knees bent during DA rapid fire. Today I use the same stance with straighter knees for shooting just about everything. I really enjoy sitting down while bench test shooting. At my age I need all the rest I can get... :D
Well look on the bright side... Judging by his join date, it'll take him another year and a half to get around to his 2nd post...
Wow, who brought the cool kids?? :rolleyes:

I have been using the basic Isosceles for right now. Just trying to get the basics down in one stancde before I move to another to see how they differ.

After some more time at the range, I'll start using one hand and off hand to get some practice there also. I haven't asked yet, but I believe that my range allows drawing from the holster so there's another thing I have to get handy at. :)
pshhawww! you all are wrong! r o n g wrong!

according to my 'pocket ninja handbook: the handgun shooting stance, volume #23' the only correct stance to use is the 'squatting-russian-dance'. you know, you've seen the russian dancers hopping on left foot to right foot while squatted. well you do that, so that your nemesis will try to anticipate your moving left or right and will miss because you just hop in one place. (volume #49 goes into the proper method of actually moving to confuse your nemesis)

this stance keeps your body in fluid motion, so in the rare chance you do get hit, your body will be able to absorb the shock more naturally, allowing you time to finish shooting before falling to the ground dead. its a move i'm just about through mastering.
is stance keeps your body in fluid motion, so in the rare chance you do get hit, your body will be able to absorb the shock more naturally, allowing you time to finish shooting before falling to the ground dead. its a move i'm just about through mastering.

Do I get to particpate in the live fire drills?

My take your Kimber 100 yards down range and do your dance, whilst I give you practice by peperring you with the belt fed 308 machine gun...

O, I forgot to mention the belt fed didnt I when you were here on saturday

I find myself wanting to call wildwaitingbythephoneforhisboyfriendalaska in seven minutes, just to mess with him ;)

Maybe I could finally pick up those BHP mags while I'm talking though...
he really likes being asked how the weather is up here. then ask if we have street addresses on our igloos, and if the postal service has a tough time delivering mail on their dogsleds. then ask whats the finest trap gun they have on the shelf and ask them how much you can get on a trade towards it for a 'customized' glock that your brothers cousins uncle spot welded a rail to for a bushnell red dot sight and a streamlight flashlight, and with 4 mags welded together at the bases so you can have 60+1 rounds on the fly.
