Best way to polish feed ramp of a CZ50


New member
Since this is not an expensive gun and it is not working properly,Not feeding and jamming. I thought I would try and take care of this myself. I have new mags on order to make sure of proper spring tension on the ammo. Now I would like to try my hand at polishing the feed ramp. Any suggestions I have my ideas but thought I would ask if there might be some better ones. Thanks much, in advance
Happy thanksgiving and Happy shooting

gun control is people control
loknload, use 400 grit paper or crocus cloth. Wrap around a dowel and polish until smooth. Then progress to finer grits until the finish you want is achieved. I usually finish with a round hard Arkansas stone. Do not change the angle of the ramp. You are polishing not trying to remove any metal. George
I also have a CZ-50, as do many on the Curio & Relics List.

They are notorious for magazine problems, and if you're having feeding problems, the odds are very high that the magazine, not the feed ramp, is the problem.

You might want to get a couple of replacement magazines. (Or, if the gun is newly purchased, contact the dealer and ask for a replacement.) (I've seen the mags in Shot Gun News offered by one of the dealers that primarily offers magazines. [Magazine Mania?] About $20.00.)
These things are NOTORIOUS for failure to feed. Doesn't like those first few rounds out of the mag, does it? On the feed ramp, I true up a brightboy in the Dremel to a radiused end and remove the tool marks (George is right, watch that angle!). Then, use a felt bob with some matchless compound and really get 'er bright & smooth. Stone the breech face super smooth. Radius & polish the leading edge of the extractor (I can't show you how to do this here, but use the same common sense you would on a 1911 or similar extractor. Make sure the extractor moves really smooth in the slide - polish the sides glass smooth. Really slicking up that loaded chamber indicator is a good idea, too. These little stinkers are really rough inside, so detail strip the piece and go hunting for burrs. Use a smooth mill file and remove those horrible broach marks from the outside of the barrel housing on the frame, then polish it bright(this can't hurt, and it looks better bright anyway). Polish your mag followers super smooth, and grind a radius on the front of the mags - this helps those first few "nose-divers" clear the lip of the mag and get on their way up the feed ramp. Also, stay away from that "UMC" garbage that's on sale at K-Mart!