Hammerless Coach Guns
To quote B.L.E.
To answer your first question, most all hammerless doubles cock on opening. If you want to open the gun without cocking the hammers, remove the forend before opening the gun. If you disable the automatic safety, you may be able to decock it without snapping by holding both triggers back as you close the gun. With an auto safety or single selective trigger, all you can do is snap it.
There you have your answer to your question. A 'Coach Gun' is probably not the best choice for home defense, but it's better than the choice some people might have. I would have to leave my coach guns with the action opened (yes, the hammers are cocked in this position) and shells in the barrels, because all of the safety's on my SXS's have been disconnected so it wouldn't be safe to leave them with the barrel closed. You would almost need some kind of specially made rack to hold the gun unless you left it in a corner with the action open and barrels pointed toward the floor.