Best way to get someone to try IDPA


New member
I have 2 regular shooting buddies who have told me they would want to try IDPA. PRoblem is, they feel like they're not good enough to compete. I keep telling them it's all about having fun & hanging out for a few hours...still no go.
What is the best way to convince to take that step & check it out?
Have them come out and just watch a match. Invariably two things will happen.

1. The urge to actually shoot will be overpowering.

2. They will stand together behind the line and snicker at some of the retarded stuff a few of the shooters are sure to do. They will instantly proclaim "Hell, I can shoot better than that." All the better if the club has a couple of 85+ old-timers out shooting. BTW I think we owe the old guys that come out the utmost in respect, I know a few that shoot IPSC, it's a pleasure to RO them no matter how slow because I hope to be able to get out and shoot when I'm that old.

I haven't been good enough for seven or eight years.

IDPA: just shot one so far, will be back for more (still won my class. Lucky, huh?)

Remind them they'll never be good enough if they don't start now.......................
Show the actual CDC data PROVING that shooting IPSC will get you killed in a real gunfight as is so frequently claimed by some gun writers and individuals with a vested interesed in the success of IDPA.:D
Good question. One of my good friends here at the office and I shoot IDPA on a regular basis. We have several that have said they wanted to come out and shoot but never do. I wished I had a dime for every time I have heard "I need to practice some more before I shoot with your club." Who cares about the shooting, there are a lot of great people to meet at these matches. Some of the best people I know, I have met shooting competitively.

I'd probably like kbear38s if I ever met him. Most likely I would have to give him a procedural on general principal though. :D
I keep asking them why they never join me and usually get the regular excuses. THen I ask, "You think you're gonna win?" That's the question that got me to just hasn't gotten them over the edge. :rolleyes:
When somebody says "I'd like to compete, but I'm not good enough." I really want to ask "Well, what are you doing to get ready?" But I figure that will just alienate them. Fear of embarassment is a powerful motive. People have died for it.
Our local club runs Fun Shoots twice a month. IDPA COFs and scoring, but you can use any gun that can be safely drawn from a holster. We have people show up Ruger MKIIs and have a blast. Very low key, but still a ton of fun. Sort of a half match, usualy thee stages.

Or download my Blue Danube Shoot Not strictly IDPA, but it gets the idea across ;-)..

If they don't die laughing, they may think it looks like fun....

OTOH: perhaps the doll head might scare them though, never mind.
To get friends interested?

I have them go through current public records of their state (the ones who do post) for crime statistics! Their eyes are opened when they read the cold numbers - and realize "they haven't been getting all their news from the evening news/newspapers!"

Too, IDPA shuns raceguns/spaceguns, so popular in IPSC. I love the blind stages that are ocasionally designed by survivors of out-and-out ****storms!

I don't compete for score in IDPA - I shoot a match to learn and practice, building the reflexes. Being it's broken down into skill levels, I enjoy working with the earnest amatuers far more than the steely-eyed competetors...