best way to fight the anti's


New member
Why is there not an organized boycott aimed at a well known and frequently used commercial product/manufacturer? Could not the 3 million NRA members not buying a certain product ( of a company that is very anti-gun,like a big financial supporter of Congressworm Schumer) make a big statement?Are the records open as to which company contributes what to an anti-gun politican? It seems that the lists of anti-gun companies/supporters only divides us they do not focus us. Does anyone think that we can make a major financial dent? Will other companies notice? What do you think?
Intelligent idea, sir. This would make some industry heads take notice. The gains will be hampered of cource, do to a hostile media that will paint us with the "wacko brush".
Very much worth doing though.
Just a heads up to other members I heard that colt gave money to little chuckies campaign. Now I know its hard to tell people to stop supporting gun companies, but I thought I should share this.
Just a heads up to other members I heard that colt gave money to little chuckies campaign. Now I know its hard to tell people to stop supporting gun companies, but I thought I should share this.
I think it is a good idea but the majority of these folks are not that militant of consumers. I will bet that a large percentage will still be wearing levis next year, some new, some old. I was born sans an arse and Wranglers are not always my first choice. They are now. Cause it matters. The sad part is these folks are just peaceful people that want the freedom to buy what they want without feeling guilty. I just try to convince em otherwise and see the potential consequences.
Legal or illegal? The best ILLEGAL way, theoretically, IMO, would be to put the fear of god into judges, esp. federal ones, who will ultimately make the decisions about our RKBA. This would be done of course by terror tactics, including relieving several who have ruled wrongly in the past of their earthly obligations. Not necessarily advocating this or saying it's the most effective method in our reportoire, but I wouldn't rule it out if legal channels do not work.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 22, 1999).]
We "conservatives," in the words of RobNoel, "couldn't organise a bachelor's party at a brewery." Too fragmented & (with good reason) have our own pet peaves & principles on which we not compromise. We are too independent in our lives & ideas. & therein lies our destruction.

We talk about what we'd do if this or that happens, but how many of us actually write letters to our electeds to express our views? or, God forbid, actually protest, by either showing up at a city council meeting & expressing our views or organising a rally on the state capital steps?

Most sit at home & bitch, yell at the TV talking head, vote (if that) & wonder what's gone wrong.

Actually give money or time "to the cause?" Not likely. Even most "activists" will barely donate to NRA, et al & call it good - allowing someone else to do the dirty work.

Wife & I had a conversation about this the other night & she related it to office politics, at which she excels.

When you want something to happen, you don't spring it on everyone (blidside 'em) at a meeting. Prior to, you do your homework, network & get the most influentials' buy-in.
When proposing this "new idea" at the meeting,those "not in the loop" haven't a chance 'cause the powers that be have already been convinced & already given the thubs up.

The "left" is comprised of true believers and will donate time, energy and money to their cause. They will band together so that a specific agenda will go forward. They will get the media on their side (most already are) & do the press releses & media events. Very powerful tools.

No flames intended - just some rambling thoughts ....

Outa here as I'm doing some research as to what pro-rights fiendly lawyer I can get ahold of to participate in a meeting with the Boulder city attorney & council members re the Boulder Gun Ban. Boulder's attempt to violate civil liberties should be shut down prior to any vote as even if they do vote for the ban, they should know full well that they will have an injunction slapped on 'em & be sued (personally, if can be) for a violation of civil rights.