Best Truck Rifle???

Bob S

New member
If a guy were looking to get a good Rifle to keep behind the seat of his old pickup, what would you recomend? (Please don't say an AR-15 or any high dollar rifles... it might be worth more than my truck!) Im just looking for a handy rifle that wont break the budget but could fill many purposes - plinking, self defense, a handy trail gun, ect. Im not opposed to buying used if necessary. The main thing is it must be durable and reliable. Any input would be great!
A Ruger Mini-14 would fit the bill nicely. I think they are going for about $350-400 new, resonably accurate, and quite reliable.
Lee Enfield Mk4 (aperture sight, 10-rd magazine) in .303 or .308 if you can find one. Reliable, tough and cheap ($70-120 here)
Or one of the 10-round AK thingummies, or one of the .30-30 lever actions as sold by Monkey Wards, etc., with the cheap wood...

I'd go for used with good bore, not new. $200 +/- price range.

Go with a mini-14, you really won't need higher than the 5 or 10 rounders (unless you feel the 82nd Airborne Division is hunting you down). Another good pick is a lever action in .30-30. I like the short Winchester 16" barrel models, they would probably work better in the close quarters of a truck.
My truck gun is an old post 64 Winchester model 94 in 30-30. I picked it up at a swap meet for $100.00. The guy said he was selling it so cheap because it wouldn't shoot. It looked sound, so I bought it. I figured it was a broken or stuck firing pin. Imagine my surprise when I found out it had no firing pin. Well I found a pin for $45.00, put it in, and the gun is fine. I put a cheapie Williams peep sight on it, and it resides in the back of seat in my pick up. I shoot nothing but cast lead in my 30-30's. They'll work for any purpose I'll ever need the gun for.
Paul B.
Remington 870 Express 12 Ga. with rifle sights. Bird shot for birds, slugs for deer, buckshot for bad guys. You can't beat that... and hey it make s a nice sound when you cock it.

$230 at wal-mart.

Stay safe and Practice practice practice,

I like several of the ones already listed, the Enfield #4 in .303 is what I most often lug around, mine is one of the Gibbs Rifle Co "tanker" versions and is more handy. I like them because they are quick to load with the stripper clips and the .303 round has some real punch. Good sights, too.

The one fellow mentioned the NEF Handi-rifle, those are underrated in my opinion, I don't think you can beat them for the price of around $200. A used 30-30 would also be a cheap and effective rifle to have around, it's hard to go wrong with them. Savage makes some inexpensive bolt actions, maybe one of those would fit your bill. There are lots of rifles that will do what you are looking to do, you just need to find what works for you.

With my shield or on it...
If cost is a major concern pick up a M-44 or M91/59 in 7.26x54 and a spam can of ammo. or if you want a more western gun go with a French Mas 36 any of these and 150 rnds is under $250 (possibly under $150)

You can
Go with an Enfield either a No4. in .303 Brit. or one of the Ishapore ones in .308. $150 bucks will get ya a decent one.

Military reliability and ruggedness. Good accuracy, and if 10 rounds of either .303 British or .308 doesn't do the job then forget about the gun and lock the hubs on the 4x4.
SKS is my truck gun. Dunno if you're in CA. I bought mine brand new for under $100 back when, but they're still thick on the ground like new for $120, and 1 cloth bandolier full of 10 round stripper clips will give you plinking or varmint (all manner) ammo for years. Treat it like crap. I do.

My second choice, almost as strong as my first, is an SMLE. Check the bore, and if it's good, throw down up to $150 for a decently stocked one! This steps your power right on up to low-end .308 Win, and is basically indestructible. Bests are with the peep sight.
I rather like my MkIII Enfield with the barrel shortened to 20"...handles very slick and plenty of punch.

Of course, it all depends on what you need a truck gun for. The truck itself is a far deadlier weapon.
My first choice for a truck gun is a Ruger Mini 30 in synthetic. The Mini-14 (.223) just doesn't have enough meat for my tastes, 7.62 ammo is cheap, and accessories are readily available. Around here , Houston Tx, I see them for around $500.

Want something a little cheaper, I'd go with a good used 30-30. Can't go wrong there!
Lots of good info here. I agree with most of it. (I would say a Mossberg 500 instead of Rem, though.)

Here's an alternative viewpoint: I bought a bolt-action Mossberg 12 GA for less than $80 a few months ago. Chop it down to 19", install pistol sights or ghost ring, and you'll be good to go.