best support stick


New member
what do you guys use for shooting sticks? I saw a guy on Tv that had what looked like and adjustable canse shaped thing for shooting out in the prairie. one section "L"ed out and it looked adjustable for height.
I carry both the Stoney Point monopod and the bipod, the latter in my pack and the mono in hand. Have'nt got around to getting the tripod adapter for em, but instead I have an old bootlace tied onto the monopod, set up the bipod and place the mono just under the Y yoke, wrap the bootlace around , half-hitch to secure, Works great. Both are about 25 inches long when colasped, extend to 62 inches, real steady, a little spendy. Worth it.
I bought an aluminum monopod from sportsmansguide last year for about $30. It adjusts for any standing or sitting scenario you might have since its a walking stick too. The wood ball end screws off and you can screw on the shooting V or a camera adaptor. The crutch tip comes off revealing a metal spike for ice and it also has a removable snow basket for the bottom. I used it last year when I deer hunted and plan on using it every year from now on.:cool: