Best Single Shot 22LR Action?


New member
Looking for information on different receivers on which to build a rifle of good quality. Something that will be used from the bench or other rest. Mostly for my own pleasure and satisfaction. Not to say this gun won’t be mobile and used off shooting sticks. This will be used with precision sights and no optics. Are the Ruger #1 or #3 conversions worth the time and money spent? Seems like one would be a financially good way to go.
A simple "tube" type bolt action is often more accurate than those you mentioned. When I shot on an ROTC indoor match team, Mossberg (?), Remington 510, and Winchester 52(?) were the winners and there weren't any drop/rolling blocks on the line. I currently own a Mauser mag fed tube receiver bolt action that will rival ANY commercial rimfire available today (and the Mauser is a WW2 GI bring back)
Don't think I can help much, but the definitive book on single shot rifles and conversions is "Single Shot Rifles", by Frank de Haas. It's been out of print for decades, and be prepared to pay 70 - 100$ for a used one in good condition. If I recall correctly, a popular action for a 22 LR conversion was the martini cadet, but that was a time when those actions were plentiful and cheap (3 or 4 $). That was long ago and I can't remember even seeing a martini action for years. I once had a copy of the book, but gecko's broke into my reloading room and ate the binding and page edges, pooped all over it and destroyed it. (Really and truly)

Of course the holy grail of all this would be for ruger to chamber the 1 A in .22 LR. It would be a niche market, but I bet a run of two or three hundred would sell out to collectors quickly. I know I would buy one even at, probably, 2 grand a pop. What would be even better would be for ruger to downsize the ruger action by about 75% for the 22 LR chambering but that will never, never happen.
Champion's Choice sells some heftily priced Anschutz barreled receivers.

I'm pleased with my bull barreled Anschutz Model 54 - 1407 single shot...that I just bought from a fellow shooter at our range for $600. Mine also has a palm rest...that comes in handy at times.

I also have a collection of 4 single shot BSA Martinis in 22lr - 3 bull barreled Model 12/15's and a Mark II International --- But the old 22 Martinis do not have a mechanical safety.

Though all of them are shooters.:D
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Are the Ruger #1 or #3 conversions worth the time and money spent?

Not to me. Turning a Ruger No.1 or No.3 action into a rimfire seems like a hugely stupid waste of money and the waste of a good Ruger centerfire, as well.

on the other hand, Ruger No.1s are still in production, so go ahead, its your money.
I'm inferring that you were interested in falling blocks, and I just now remembered this. E. Arthur Brown Company makes a falling block action and rifles (model 97D?). You may want to visit their website ( for more information and contacts. If you're okay with a ready built rifle, Pedersoli makes a downsized sharps rifle in 22 LR. You used to be able to get those through cabelas.
“Turning a Ruger No.1 or No.3 action into a rimfire seems like a hugely stupid waste of money”

Unless of course you’re smart enough to make the kind of money one needs to enjoy such frivolous luxuries.
Best single shot for me is a Remington 540X have not been made for years but can be found in the used market. Pricey but will put them into one hole for the most part.
rep,,,,i have a 75 c sharps in 22.....i got it to stay sharp in the off season for the big guns,,,( long time ago,,,,old days,,,lol,,),,,it is heavy (octagon barrel) and it has a exposed hammer,,,little slicker than a 74 action but it is a hoot to play with,,,tang sights,,,,set up pretty close to my bigger center fire rifles

i have taken it to the matches may times to play with in the evening,,(have a little side match with some of the boys and their fancy 22's),,,cross sticks prone or sitting,,,,those little bullets have whacked steel many,,many times out there at 350-400yrds (18x24)

everybody that plays with it just loves that rifle,,,,it was expensive,,,for me anyway,,,,but i have had way more than expense in fun out of it

whether you build one or buy one ,,,,i think,,,,you will really enjoy it

i say GO FOR IT
