Making professional-looking protest signs... easy!
To make many different signs as cheaply as possible, try this method!
Step 1. You can make just about any sign, using the clip-art artwork programs or word processing software on your computer, any size or style lettering you want.
Step 2. Then print up the 'sign' on a normal piece of paper on your computer's printer.
Step 3. Take your master copies to a quick print shop, or your local Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, etc. and blow them up to poster size. Most of the office supply stores have copiers to enlarge to poster and/or blueprint size.
Step 4. Tape those extra-large prints to foamboard.
Step 5. Color or accent your poster with colored marker or glue-stick on'ed artwork, underlines, etc. We underlined significant words with red strips colored posterboard.
Voila` ! Finis!
My wife and I made a couple dozen different signs this way to use at the Second Amendment Sisters counter-rally to the MMMs on Mother's Day in DC. They looked rather good, if I may say so myself!