Best shot size for Olympic Skeet

I know 9's are the usual shot size for English and American skeet but most of the International guys I know (because of the faster, larger and thicker shoulder on the 110 mm target verses the 108 mm) shoot 8's on every station but 7'5's on the second target on station 4 because this target is about 35 yards away. Any thoughts on this? I believe Olympian Kim Rhode does this.
Does anyone know what shot size Kim Rhode uses? The Winchester commemorative box with her name on it says 8 shot.

The commemorative box is nothing like a true international skeet load... Her international load is 24 Grams of shot moving at 1350 FPS... If I remember correctly she uses 8 shot..
Thanks for the input. I believe that Kim now shoots 9's exclusively for Olympic but not through skeet chokes which would explain the better pattern density to break the second target of the #4 doubles at extended range. As a rule I have found that (on the larger, faster International 110 mm targets) at 15-25 yards 9's are good, 25-30 8's and over 30 7.5s. I'm sure I read an article about this some time ago but I can't find it. If anyone can, I would appreciate the link.

Thanks again.
What #4 doubles at "extreme range" ? Those targets are well within the normal range, just moving quicker so they shoot them quicker, and don't forget the delay as well. 8's will do the job
Let's be honest here....comparing whatever loads Kim chooses to shoot ....for most of us "mere mortals" on a Skeet pretty funny..../ maybe almost as funny as what Todd Bender shoots..../ .........

come on man, for most of us ( even if we have 250,000 registered targets under our belts ) we'll never be anywhere near what Kim or Todd are - even on their worst days....

In a 12ga ....I use 1 oz of 8's ...for anything on a Skeet field ( at 1225 fps ) ..../ and I use the same load for Trap singles, and for Continental Trap and for Sporting Clays and 5 Stand as well ....( I don't shoot any 9's in 12ga or even a 20ga )....I save the 9's for 28ga and .410....

What Kim or Todd use ...might be interesting / but it has nothing to do with what I choose to shoot ( with my pedestrian skill level )....
Big D. I am talking about International here, harder, faster target and 24 gram load. By extreme range I mean that the second target on #4 is often 35 yards away which is quite a shot for skeet chokes and 24 grams of no. 9's if you want to break the target consistently. I always suggest 7.5's on that shot because of kinetic energy with the bigger pellet.:)
I know you are talking about IS and still, 8s will do the job. Maybe not with a skeet choke, but 8s were breaking my 45 crossers today on the sporting clays field

IS targets still travel on the same course of fire as American skeet and still have to be broken within the same parameters/boundaries
Having watched Kim shoot countless practice rounds over the years, Big Jim is right. But if shooting 7 1/2's gives you more confidence, go ahead. I would use #8's myself. With 26 in. barrels you can get on the bird while it's still on YOUR field. Okay, just kidding.
I agree and the only shots I am suggesting using 7.5's on are the two longer second target (35yard) shots that Kim describes in Randy's article. For everything else I suggest using 8's. I have since found out that Kim does use size 9 shot for everything but she does not shoot skeet chokes.

Thank you for the replies.
Rather than go to 7 1/2's....if I was concerned about that 2nd target ...I might go to an IC choke in the 2nd barrel, vs Skeet.../ but I say "might" because I still think a Skeet choke and 1 oz of 8's plenty.
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From what I gather, I.S. rules allow 24.5 gram loads.
The ordinary load used is labeled 24 grams.
24.5 grams equals 6.91/8 of an ounce. Not quite 7/8 of an ounce.
If you are running late on the second target, a skeet choke may be a bit thin.
Although, probably not worse than shooting NSSA .410 doubles.
3/4 oz in a 28ga .....sure patterns nice / and will break any Skeet target I've ever seen.../ and I don't go to an IC choke, even if I'm practicing doubles.

I don't shoot International...but 3/4 oz of 8's is plenty of shot ....
But Kim should do whatever she wants ....and probably shooting max loads ( or 24 grams ) probably smart in the world class competition shooting she is competing in.../ I sure would not ever second guess her decisions on what works best for her !
Bob the Dinosaur is correct about the 24.5 g limit on shot charge. The ISSF rules may be downloaded from

The particular rule is 9.43.1.

Shot charge must not exceed 24.5 g;

Pellets may have a diameter of no more than 2.6 mm. # 7.5 should have a diameter of 2.39 mm while # 6 comes in at 2.77 mm. How would you like to be disqualified from the Olympics because a few shot were over size?