The goldenrod will be a huge improvement. I keep a $15 digital thermostat/humidistat in my gun room. Keep the relative humidity 50% or under and you're in good shape.
I've conducted my own corrosion tests for 6 years and save all the old tests. I've tested all the well known products be it oil, grease, wax, etc. These are the top performers from the over 20 tests I've conducted.
1.Gunslick Gun Seal
2.Breakfree CLP (originally invented to prevent flashrusting of parts prepped for plating)
3.Eezox (very toxic-contains Trichloroethylene)
4.Corrosion X (non-toxic)
5.Hoppe's Gun Grease, RIG grease, Outers Grease (need to be applied thick to be as effective as the afformentioned products)
6lOuters Gun Oil
7.Birchwood Casey Sheath/Barricade
8.Shooters Choice Rust Prevent
Several other products performed admirably. These are the ones that come to mind as consistent performers in all the different tests I've conducted.
Consistently poor performers were Rem-oil, Ed's Red(really a solvent), Hoppe's Lubricating Oil(basically just mineral oil), Mobil 1 motor oil, ATF, Ballistol .
If there's any product you're wondering about let me know. I've probably tested it.