Best recoil spring pressure for Glock 30

Futo Inu

New member
I am going to purchase a Wolff "dual assembly" recoil spring/guide rod for a Glock 30 in 45 acp. They are available in 17 lbs, 19 lbs, and 21 lbs. Though I like the 21 pounder I have used in a Glock 29, I have ruled this one out. So what I want to know is, FOR A DEFENSIVE CCW WEAPON, where ultimate in reliability is the overriding factor to the detriment of all others, is the 17 lbs or the 19 lbs the best one? I should tell you that I keep a +P in the pipe, and one more +P HP to top the mag, then a mag full of NON +P ball ammo, so it needs to function reliably with the non +P pressures, too. I'm guessing that the obvious answer is the 17 lbs over the 19 lbs for CCW, but since I WANT the 19 to reduce the pounding on the gun, I was hoping someone could justify it for me with an anecdote of utter reliability in this pistol with this assembly. Oh, and I think the factory single assembly springs are 18 lbs, IINM. TIA.
Futo Inu,

Not too sure why you want to change away from the standard Glock assembly... Although you did mention about trying to reduce the pounding on the gun.. Have you taken a look at Sprinco's recoil reducers? Back when I had a G30, I used their unit, and I never had a failure to feed. The advantage of the Sprinco unit is that it uses a stiffer spring only for the last part of the slide's cycle rearward, which saves the gun's frame for a lot of recoil abuse. In turn, you can use a lower recoil spring (stock spring poundage), so that you will avoid short cycling attributed to having a recoil spring that is too stiff... You can check Sprinco out at:

Also, Glock factory 10 round magazines have a spotty record. You might want to change the magazine spring to a +5 or +10% if you are concerned with utter reliability issues... Although my G30 magazines worked fine, I had problems with a G23 and G34 (G17) 10 round magazine what went away after I changed the magazine springs...
I installed a Wolff rod in my G30 after the stock unit broke. I went with the 19lb springs, but i had the same doubts you express. Since my stock rod was broken anyway, I carefully removed the springs from the stock rod. They fit/function with the Wolff rod perfectly. Doing so allowed me to try both spring weights while only buying one set of springs. After trying both,I choose the new 19lb springs.