You have to work up the load for your revolver. Every firearm shoots all ammo differently.
The Lyman Pistol and Revolver manual has .30 Carbine data. Mind you, it's no different that regular .30 Carbine data.
You do not require magnum primers for .30 Carbine or H110. Regular small rifle primers will be fine.
This is out of my Lyman Pistol and Revolver manual. No cast 115, but the 120 will be close enough. It's not exactly pretty though. Got squished together by the formatting. The Win 296 loads are max loads too.
93 grain MC 1.595" OAL
Powder Start Vel Max Vel
SR4759 9.5 948 12.5 1216
IMR4227 10.0 1076 15.0 1491
Blue Dot 6.5 922 8.5 1284
2400 9.5 1078 12.5 1390
Win 296 15.0 1460 (Reduced load, not recommended by Winchester)
H110 10.0 1176 15.5 1456
AL-8 8.5 1227 12.0 1510
100 grain Speer 1.600" OAL
Powder Start Vel Max Vel
2400 9.5 1147 12.5 1412
SR4759 9.0 918 12.0(c) 1298
IMR4227 10.0 1112 15.0(c) 1438
630 8.5 1115 12.0 1414
H110 10.0 1124 14.5 1416
110 grain HP 1.660" OAL
Powder Start Vel Max Vel
2400 10.0 1161 12.0 1348
SR4759 9.0 851 12.0(c) 1172
IMR4227 11.0 1188 14.0 1377
Win296 14.5 1428(Reduced load, not recommended by Winchester)
H110 9.5 1054 14.0 1369
120 grain cast w. gas check 1.610" OAL
Powder Start Vel Max Vel
Unique 5.0 1138 6.3 1335
Blue Dot 6.5 1066 8.8 1339
2400 10.8 1236 12.3(c) 1436
SR7625 4.6 1027 5.6 1162
SR4756 5.5 1050 6.5 1220
IMR4227 11.5 1169 13.3(c) 1388
Win296 13.5 1415(Reduced load, not recommended by Winchester)
H110 10.0 1055 13.5 1358
AL-8 9.5 1239 11.0(c) 1408
123 grain cast w. gas check 1.610" OAL
Powder Start Vel Max Vel
Unique 5.0 1017 6.3 1316
Blue Dot 6.5 997 8.8 1290
2400 10.8 1271 12.3(c) 1445
SR4756 5.1 923 6.1 1172
IMR4227 11.0 1124 13.1(c) 1342
Win296 13.5 1431 (Reduced load, not recommended by Winchester)
H110 10.0 1037 13.5 1420
AL-8 9.2 1196 10.8(c) 1384
130 Grain cast 1.680" OAL
Powder Start Vel Max Vel
Unique 4.9 1064 6.1 1270
Blue Dot 6.3 971 8.2 1249
2400 10.5 1282 12.0(c) 1414
SR4756 5.0 1011 6.0 1182
IMR4227 10.6 1116 12.7(c) 1387
Win296 12.5 1356 (Reduced load, not recommended by Winchester)
H110 9.0 979 12.5 1350
AL-8 9.0 1225 10.4(c) 1346
'c' = compressed load.