If you happen to work as an LEO or in Corrections/Probation, might be looking into someplace nearby that offers blue label pricing. If I liked Glocks (I don't) that's what I would do since I'm a Juvenile Detention Officer. There are quite a few other professions that qualify, here's the list from their website:
-Sworn Law Enforcement officers, including Federal, State, County, & City (Includes retired L.E. officers with "retired" credentials)
-EMT’s, Fire Fighters, Volunteer Fire Fighters, and Paramedics
-Miliitary personnel including Reservists and National Guard with I.D. (Includes retired Military with "retired" credentials)
-Corrections Officers, including Parole and Probation Officers
-State Licensed Security Companies (Loomis, RAM, etc.) also includes State Licensed Armed Security Officers
-Court Judges, District Attorneys and Deputy District Attorneys
-LE Academy Cadets with enrollment documentation from the Academy
Last time I checked, which was awhile ago, a G19 was $398 if you qualify for blue label pricing.