Best Powders for 5.56x45


New member
So I have recently purchased and upgraded a Ruger American Ranch Rifle in 5.56x45.

I have been using Varget with 65 grain Sierra Game Kings, and some Barnes 69 grain Match burners. Accuracy is acceptable, but My velocity spreads are pretty gross. Throughout the entire load ranges with the Varget. ES numbers are 50-70 fps. SD numbers average around 20fps.

What powders should I look at to try to tighten up those velocity numbers? With Varget I am getting about 2750 fps out of a 16 inch barrel. I would like to attain that velocity or higher.

Maybe CFE 223 or 8208xbr?

By the way, using Norma brass and CCI 400 primers
I load CFE223 with the 65 SGK. I get just over 3,000 from a 20" White Oak barrel. Std is 13.9. I only wrote "good group", so I don't have a number handy. This barrel has a Wylde chamber and 1:8 twist.
I had issues with CFE223 with ES/SD. Really high.
Someone suggested using magnum primers with it, but had gone through my supply by that time.

Win 748, Alliant Varmint, Alliant PP2000MR have all done good with 69gr MK.
Gonna have to buy a few different powders. Either that or just deal with the high ES and SD. I am limiting this rifle to about 350-400 yards anyway.

I guess I could load a little hotter with the Varget. With the Sierra Game king today shot a ten round group of about one inch. It has been shooting progressively better as I increased the powder charge.

I might benefit from trying the Barnes match burner with the current load. With that bullet, I can still get close to the lands with about twice as much bearing surface inside the case neck. Maybe the case neck having more purchase on the bullet will aid with a higher starting pressure and get the powder to burn More completely before the bullet exits the bore.
I also did not have good es/sd with cfe 223 . Varget is known to be one of the best so not sure what might be wrong there . You have a very light riffle are you testing in a sled or front and rear bag . If the latter I’d try the varget again and this time really concentrate on your hold of the rifle . Don’t pull it in real tight to your shoulder , firm but not tight and make sure you repeat that feel . I’ve personally tested how “I” held my rifle would effect velocities and ES/SD specifically . I found holding the rifle to tight to the shoulder blew up my ES/SD .

Just throwing that out there , I know some may have concerns that how you hold ghe rifle effects velocity but I assure you for me and resulted in me completely changing how I hold my rifle/s on a bench or prone and how I allow it to behave when fired . I no longer fight the rifle but rather let it do it’s thing .

FWIW I’ve had good results with 8208xbr & AR-comp
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Don’t overlook H4895, in my AR with Hornady 68gr match hollow points at 100yds is reliably 3/4 MOA and on my best day 1/4 MOA. This is with a .223 Wilde chamber and 1/8 twist heavy profile 18” barrel.
Magnum primers was your problem . Switch to standard and all will be good . I also did standard vs magnum primers through a same load development. It was not with the same powders you’re using but it was in the same cartridge . I used H-335 and the magnum primers had much worse ES/SD as well as less average velocities.
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H4895 in M1, M1A, AR 10, and AR15. If you can't get a good load with this powder you have a bigger problem.
I agree with the 4895’s both H & IMR . I don’t have as much experience with H-4895 but IMR-4895 has been the easiest powder to find good groups regardless of cartridge or bullet . I’ve not paid close attention to it’s ES/SD’s but I know it’s not been bad or I would remember that
I actually heard someone last week using 6.5 Staball in their Manbun... :eek:

Thinking along those lines, you might wanna try AR Comp... ;)

And a side note.
I was shooting a match last weekend. With a Vortex 6-18 power (set on 18, of course), i couldn't see hits on a white background target at 300 yards.
Those .224 holes are tiny! :rolleyes:
what did you end up settling on. i have had really good luck with benchmark in my lighter 55g loads. es in the 20-30fps range if I load properly. in the 60 fps range if i use my hornady lokn n load auto scale at +/_ 0.1g
I run Ramshot TAC for all bullet weights in my .223/5.56 rifles. I am planning on experimenting with some Reloder 10x and Benchmark with the 40 gr Tipped bullets in my bolt guns for maximum effect on close range gophers and prairie dogs.