best pistol


New member
Hey guys this is my first post but i thought that this is about the time to ask.... After the first of the year i am planning on getting into some local ipsc and combat shooting courses in my area (Pittsburg, Kansas) I am planning on shooting purely production and I already Have a Beretta M9 but I was thinking mabey a Beretta px4 storm would be more suited to the task not sure whether I should invest in a new pistol and gear for it or just get my M9 accesorized and put the pistol money towards a new progressive reloader (I'm sure it would come in handy). Speaking of gear I am not really sure what all is required to go and shoot for the day (holster, mag pouches, amount of ammo) I have already went and watched a couple of matches but I wasnt paying any attention to any of that I was just in awe of how much better almost all of those guys are with a pistol than I am. Anyways sorry to carry on so long but if any of you guys have any suggestions or comments or know of any posts that have this info that I have over looked feel free to point me in the right direction.

P.S. Is it legal to have aftermarket iron sights on your pistol in production class, if not i am going to buy a new rear sight I hate dot and post.

Thanks Bo
I shoot a PX4 in IDPA and one IPSC match, it is all factory but I believe any "traditional" sights are legal. I'm sure the IPSC web site has a rule book that'll put you to sleep but there are descriptions of gun features allowed in different classes.

I don't know what caliber you're planning to buy, I have a .40 and the recoil is killing me (muzzle flip is bad for timed shooting). This is my primary carry and I'm trying to get better with winning isn't as important to me as improving.

WARNING: The PX4 is pretty hard to find good accessories have to buy everything online and there are no "cheap" holsters available for it. I'm waiting on my Crossbreed "Tuck This" to get here, ran me 65.00 but this is going to be my primary carry rig.

I haven't had any trouble out of my PX4 that wasn't the fault of my reloads (lazy on crimping stage, cartridge just wouldn't chamber).

So, if you're shooting to win get a heavy gun (one you can manage recoil) that accessories are readily available for. If you're looking for a new gun the PX4 has been good to me.
So I guess maybe I should just work on getting my M9 all set up and put my money towards a few reloading accessories so I can speed up the process a little bit. The nice thing about my M9 is there are about as many accessories for it as there are for a 1911. does anyone know how many mags I should have and has any one had and experience w/ the knock offs (pro mag etc.) they all seem to be about half the price of a factory mag.

Thanks again
For gear, I wholeheartedly recommend this:

And a pair of these:

I use them for my 1911 and my Glock 35 and have for almost 4 years. They work great and can't be beat for the money.

I recommend at least 4-5 mags, but you really can't ever have enough. ProMags definitely suck. MecGar mags are really just Beretta factory mags for a lower price that hold 2 extra rounds. I had some for the Taurus PT92 I used to have and they worked great.

A good belt is also a necessity. If you don't have one, I recommend this:
I shoot HK USP .45 and love it. You will hear lots about trigger and high barrel axis but HK has DAO and Match triggers available in out-of-the-box configurations and the high barrel axis is offset by the reduced recoil. And, the top woman shooter is using one. I think you may see a few more in the production matches.
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I’ll second shoot what you’ve got first. You’ll likely dump more money into shooting sports that you first thought possible, so purchase armed with knowledge gained from other shooters. In production everyone is scored minor so a 9mm will be the cheapest to feed and lightest recoil. For your first match bring a holster and at least 4mags and mag pouches, 300 rounds (you won’t use it all but you won’t run out either), eye and ear protection, water, a snack, ball cap, clothing suited to the weather and a learning attitude. The smile will be provided at the match.
good advice jmorris. dittos.
I would add, the holster should be a strong side, hip holster, not a cross draw and not a shoulder holster.

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