Best pepper spray for home?

Couldn't find a good category so I'm asking it here. What is a good peppers spray for your night stand? I have firearms but I have several children and while I have made a couple of them accessible for reasonably fast deployment, they still aren't as quick as I'd like. Thus, I want to put a can of pepper spray on my nightstand for quick use and maybe a couple more throughout the house.
I want something that has good distance that isn't a gel. I don't like the tops that must be turned to the side first. I'm looking for something that is around $20 per can or less.
Before you buy pepper spray for use inside the house be advised if you use it inside you are going to be outside while the house airs out. When used in prisons and jails the guards wear gas masks for a reason, and they have ventilators to clear it out afterwards.

I cook homemade hot sauce with high Scoville count peppers. I cook it outside because doing so inside is equal to spraying pepper spray in the house. Also if your children suffer from asthma spraying pepper spray inside will trigger an episode of difficulty breathing for them.

Long story short. Do not use pepper spray inside the house it is not worth it. If it comes down to it either have a gun, or a tazer. Secure them somehow when you are not present.
Probably better off with a spray bottle or squirt gun(sounds daft I know) filled with lemon juice or plain vinegar. Inquisitive wee hands spraying stuff into little brother's face will be less traumatic for everyone concerned.
On the night stand with kids around isn't a good idea. Due to those wee hands.
I have some around because my wife has no clue how to use a gun and wont use one. Plus I can carry it on my key chain in places where guns are prohibited (although these might be too I just never see a sign like I do for firearms). I just bought the regular kind at walmart that will spray far out. Be warned though that if you spray, it will affect you to so you need to have a plan. Its pretty vicious stuff, I have sprayed it in a house before on purpose when I was a stupid teenager and in about 2 mins you couldnt breath on most of the floor it was sprayed on.
Depends on your pain threshold, I have collected hot peppers that are not domestic. Some are considered wild and others are considered ornamental, my wife saves the seeds from year to year and spends a little time raising them in the summer like they were flowers.

If there is a point I have no problems keeping the grandchildren away from them and I always offer to share when it comes to spicing up the food. I have had a few visitors try them once then there was one of my uncles. I apologized but in my defense I explained to him it was my dad’s fault (his brother). I explained to him I was told from the beginning there was no pepper that was too hot for his little brother.

It was about that time he straightened me out. He made it clear he did not say the peppers were too hot, he said those peppers were the hottest peppers he had ever eaten. Back to the threshold of pain, I would not hesitate to chew up peppers and then spit them into the face of someone that did not belong there.

Around here everyone knows to wash their hands after picking peppers, do not rub the eyes etc...

F. Guffey
If you don't want a gel there is nothing else that is practical in my opinion. As others have said, any spray used inside your home will probably be as debilitating to you and yours as the intended target. I live in a rural area and have had some problems with stray dogs. I generally try to chase them off before anything else. A few days ago one of the more stubborn and aggressive was on my back porch. I stepped out and gave a very short burst of Fox pepper spray. It accomplished what I intended and more. The furnace was running and some of the spray, while not visible, was drawn in and circulated through the house. It dispersed fairly quickly, but it was unpleasant in my house for a least 10 minutes. My wife is still not happy with me.
I carry a Kimber pepper blaster when I can't carry a gun, but I think that's a gel. I have bear spray for the woods, but I can't imagine using any spray indoors.
I have used ghost peppers and Caroline reapers as part of a hot dry rub; cooking in the kitchen with this stuff causes severe coughing and watery eyes, even in the next room, so using a spray would have an even wider affected area. Imagine if those wee little kids accidentally spray?
If you are concerned about quick response, a gun is much faster acting, faster working, and more effective than pepper spray. And using it in an enclosed space will effect you and those around you, too.

Stick with a gun for home defense.
Successfully defending your home should be a multi-layered endeavor. Pepper spray is better than a ball bat, but in either case, the assailant is already inside your home. What kind of shape is the perimeter defense of your home in ? Are the door and window locks as good as they could be ? Is your family all on board about keeping them locked at every opportunity ? Do you keep the garage door and privacy fence gates closed even when at home ? How about lots of motion activated lighting pointed out into your yard ? My point is, if you make it obvious to the dirt balls that your home is a good one for them to avoid, they will choose somebody down the street that is making it far easier on them. Keep 'em outside, because once they are inside, you have already lost the fight.
I commend you for your search over leaving a gun accessible to a kid. I am absolutely shocked the people on here are worrying about a momentary teary kid. It sucks, but that is the point.

I surprised my wife by returning home after leaving in the morning. It scared her. I rounded a corner at in our house and was greeted to a can of bear spray staring at me. Life went on.

The brand Saber brand gets high marks. Put it up high and never worry about it.

The simple facts: no one cares about you. You aren't going to be burglarized by someone with deadly intent. A kid WILL find an accessible gun or key. Period.
Do beware of the claims of pepper sprays. Now bear spray is another matter but inside you are going to get it to. The big thing with the ones we got issued was the squirtgun nature of them. It's not a blast like cops carried in the 70's which fans out but a stream so you better be a good shot and believe me when I say ABSOLUTELY NO WARNINGS with that stuff. He'll put up an arm block it and beat you to a pulp.
We always trained with the rose water training cans and if you practice and are good you can hit the guy but the key was to spray and move IMMEDIATELY and keep moving and spraying . It seriously does take practice more than once a year with someone else wearing glasses or whatever as its like shooting a squirt gun literally. Either way it's a real false sense of security and as CBP maintained NOT FOR DANGEROUS criminals. So if he has a jack knife he gets a .40 period no questions. It's more for unruly drunks and unarmed crazies in practice. No warning just whip up and blast then cuff and hose out their eyes.
Trouble Is like I said if they grab her even if they get hit she is in for it and they aren't incapacitated but -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- off not seeing well and probably breathing hard nothing more. Personally knowing how hard it is to use for a guy standing there ready as opposed to sleepin in bed:rolleyes: ect I would go with a tazer and that has the single shot limitation. A good light up the house and siren security system would be helpful also.
I have a fair amount of experience with Sabre. I've taken full exposure once and partial on numerous occasions when deploying it. It's effective. Time is your friend with spray. A good spray will immediately blind someone, but total incapacity is going to take a while, and is going to depend on the aggressors pain tolerance. So the key is to use it, and then get away from the person and call the police. If they run after that they probably won't make it far.

Fog spray will probably be the most effective, but will majorly increase the likelihood of everybody else getting it. In direct exposure isn't terribly painful in my experience but I have still been blinded for about 30 seconds from moving into a lingering cloud of OC.

A stream spray won't vaporize as much, and will thus lower the chance of you getting exposed, but it is going to rely more on your aim to get it into the eyes, nose, mouth, etc where it will really be effective.

I am a pretty big fan of OC spray, I feel it is a great tool thay, when used preemptively in the right circumstances, minimizes the chance of injury for everybody involved.
My thinking was something like this: Bad guy enters home. I can reach pepper spray faster than accessing my firearm. Spray bad guy. Perhaps I will then have time to access the firearm, grab my machete, etc. If I have time, I will grab the firearm first of course. (I have a bat near the front door, a machete by my bed, firearms in safe) I want options.
Maybe I should look into Gel sprays more. I figured I would get some over spray but I also figured the whole ordeal would be over in seconds, likely before the over spray overwhelmed me.
A couple of additional thoughts: There are a number of good fast access safes that would secure your weapon, and protect children. They are not really cheap, but worth the money. The idea that there are not dangerous predators out there looking to hurt someone might give some a nice warm sense of security, but it simply is not true. Once a predator is in control of you inside your home you are in real trouble. Some of the most horrific crimes imaginable have been committed in this fashion. Having fast access to, and proper training with a deadly weapon is the only prudent answer in my opinion.
If I were going to use pepper spray as a home defense option ( and I wouldnt), but if I were to do that, I would use pepper foam. Regular OC sprayed in a confined area is terrible for everyone.
I have in my home cans in each room is Wasp/Hornet spray you have direct spray and up to 20 ft. It will do its intended job and assailant must seek medical help to assist his/her problem. That said it would assist police to tracking down the perb... and isn't as noticeable being in plain sight... and is easy replenished at your local shopping center.

I do know you asked of pepper spray but here is an alternative.
2nd for the wasp/hornet spray.
My second choice is a cast iron skillet. :rolleyes: But as I tell the mrs, if someone comes in empty the spray can, if he's still kicking bang him on the head with the skillet a few times.
When the police arrive and ask what happened, tell them the spray was to get his attention and the skillet was to convince him of the error of his ways.
Many years ago, used good old pepper spray on a guy with a knife, inside a bar...
first, the spray hit him square in the face, but also reflected off his face
and hit the two bouncers on each side of him in the face...
he went down, and they went down...
drug him outside, then cuffed & stuffed him...ER first for cleanup, then jail...
meanwhile, the Entire Club emptied out...not to watch the fun,
but to get away from the pepper ran Everyone out...
mind you, the bar had a pretty good set of smoke ejectors to clear ciggy smoke...
didn't seem to clear pepper spray all that well...

Bottom line, we were all told to NEVER use it indoors again.