Best Pattern?

I just bought a new 12ga 870 express super mag and was wondering what some of you all use as far as shell and choke combinations with this gun for turkey. I know every gun will shoot differently, but I'd just like to get some insight with what other have had success with.

Also, I have an 870 express magnum but in a 20ga. that I was thinking about turning into a gobbler stopper, anyone have any experience using this particular gun? what combinations(shells/chokes) have you had success with as far as the 20 ga. is concerned?

After you get some insight on different loads, go out to the range and set up 2'x2' targets at different distances to pattern.:D
…wondering what some of you all use as far as shell and choke combinations with this gun for turkey.
You have two of the three criteria: Turkeys and a 12-ga. super mag: what we don't have is your anticipated distance to target. In my neighborhood we have open grasslands between oak woods. The limited cover promotes trying longer shots. I'd go with my tightest choke and some boomers with copper plated #4s. Your environment may differ. As the distance to target decreases, you can use a less constrictive choke and more pellets (#5s or #6s).

Talk with the locals where you're planning to hunt and base your ammo purchases accordingly. The 20-ga might be fine, but conditions may favor your big mag. Then, as JerseyDrez suggests, do some serious pattern testing. This might be a good opportunity to get acclimated to firing with your gillie suite.