Best online resource for concealed carry info?

Find the CC forums. Scroll to the older threads on any Forum and read them. Order some self defense books by well known authors: Suarez, Pincus, Ayoob, etc. Subscribe to some firearms magazines that focus on handguns, read the holster and CC articles. Internet Tactical Ninja Warriors spend more time in their mothers basement posting opinions on the Forums than they do reading, learning, and practicing their skills, take all Internet opinions with a few grains of salt (including mine).

You will buy some holsters that don't really work for you, it happens to everyone. Resell them on the Buy, Sell, Trade section of this Forum.

Cheap holsters are cheap for a reason, buy good ones.
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Thanks, I try to do research before buying about anything.

Thanks for the links, those are the kinds of resources I've been searching for.
Also, look around for a local IDPA shoot. You can try out your gear and see what other folks are using.

Drawing, shooting and reloading are good skills to develop. Plus it is just a lot of fun!
Holsters can be expensive, yet as others have said you get what you pay for, and don’t forget you will need a good gun belt. Go back and read old threads and learn from others experiences both good and bad. As for clothing IMHO it’s best to stay away from myriad of “tactical” pants, shirts, and vests that are offered by so many Internet sellers, most of these just scream look at me I’m carrying a gun. A good OWB holster can easily be concealed by a jacket or blazer. A good IWB will allow your weapon to be concealed by a T-shirt in a pinch. I’ve never pocket carried but many do and from what I’ve read it generally works well.

Stay away from the latest whoop-de- do’s and gadgets. Use established and time tested products and you will be better off.